Monday, July 17, 2017

Tabata (8 rounds each)
Bench Press (95) 
 -Rest 4 mins-
Ring Rows
* - Grab the rings with a closed grip and lower your body so it is parallel to the ground with arms fully extended. (The only part of the body touching the floor should be the feet).
- There should be a straight line in your body from the shoulders, hips, knees and ankles
- The focus should be on maintaining a tight midline.

10 hollow rocks
10 v-ups
10 l-sit crunches
:10 hollow hold
1:00 d-ball hold (75)

-rest 1:00 and repeat

Post highest and lowest rounds to comments.

Bench Press:
Best: 14
Worst: 6

Ring Rows:
Best: 9
Worst: 6

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