Friday, July 7, 2017

A: Condtioning
15-12-9-6-3 Deadlifts (185)
30-24-18-12-6 GHDSU

B: Midline (Anterior) 
8 x :10 on / :20 off
GHD Hold (parallel)

C: Midline (Posterior) 
3 x 1:30 min on / 1 min off
D-Ball Hold (75)

A: 8:43.  DL were UB and GHDs were completed in two sets or less.
B: RX is tabata; I did reverse tabata. Need to get stronger at all iso-holds (l-sits, hollow, GHD)
C: Held all 3 sand bells in bear hug for 75lb weight. This was not enough of a challenge.  Bear hug needs to be above the waist and below the collarbone with knees locked out in the upright position.

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