Friday, March 23, 2018

5 Sets
Strict Press + Push Press (1+3)
-build in weight across 5 sets

250m Row
10 S2OH (155/105)
250m Row
8 S2OH (155/105)
250m Row
6 S2OH (155/105)
250m Row
4 S2OH (155/105)
250m Row
2 S2OH (155/105)


time cap: 15 minutes
-S2OH is Shoulder to Overhead anyhow. Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, etc...
-Pick a weight that you could do unbroken if needed. First set should be no more than (2) sets
-Take bar from ground

Notes: Shoulders are still smoked from all of the shoulder taps last time in the gym and I was experiencing a little tendonitis in my left bicep/shoulder. Was cautious on the STRENGTH and only worked up to 135#. I also used 135# for the workout, all sets were done unbroken. This workout should be done RX in the future.

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