Saturday, December 1, 2018

4 Rounds:
20 Alternating Pistols
15 Box Jumps (20)
10 Kettlebell Deadlifts (70s)

Notes: The depth on unassisted pistols has not been great, sometimes barely reaching parallel. Opted for assisted pistols today, holding my right hand onto one of the silver hooks that come off the pullup hub at the Y (in the cardio room). With this method, we’ll squat the full range of motion for the pistol, but use various means of assistance to help us. In addition to working the full range of motion, you can also stop at any point along there and try to hold it or move back and forth in a short range of motion. I’ve found this is a good way of getting rid of sticking points. Make sure you don't get sloppy with your technique. Keep your free leg straight and the heel of your pressing leg on the ground. Also make sure that you keep the knee of the pressing leg forward. It’s easy to grab onto the frame and lean back too far.You can try lowering to the bottom of the pistol, then letting your hands go off the doorframe. You’ll find quick whether you’re in proper balance or not.

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