Tuesday, June 18, 2019

A: Ski Series I - Event I
8 Rounds
Ski 333m
Rest 1:30 minutes

Score is fastest and slowest rounds
Slowest: 1:22.9 (2)
Fastest: 1:19.6 (8)

B: Recovery Bike
10 minute effort
Mins 1+2 - Light
Mins 3+4 - Moderate
Mins 5+6 - Moderate/Fast
Mins 7+8 - Moderate
Mins 9+10 - Light
*Used Schwinn Airdyne

C: Midline:
5 Sets for QUALITY:
5-second hollow hold
5 v-ups
5 toe touches
5 tuck crunches
5-second hollow hold
*goal is to finish this as one 'complex' without the heels touching the ground.

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