Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Ski Series I - Event 3 "Fibonacci Fire"

Ski 100m, Rest 30 seconds
Ski 100m, Rest 30 seconds
Ski 200m, Rest 30 seconds
Ski 300m, Rest 30 seconds
Ski 500m, Rest 30 seconds
Ski 800m                             

Scores are:
A) Time for 800m (3.24.4)
B) Total time (8:07.9)

Notes: Each round became increasingly slower. Each of the first four rounds (through 300m) was done at a sub-1:55/500m pace and then I fell off the last two rounds by almost :10/500m. 

Power Cleans
5 sets of 3

Sets 1-3: 135lbs
Sets 4-5: 155lbs

These should be high hang cleans with very little bend of the knee.

Barbell Cycling - "Beast Builder V1" (Per CompTrain 5/11/19)
On The Minute x 6:
Min #1 - 6 hang cleans + 1 push jerk
Min #2 - 5 hang cleans + 2 push jerk
Min #1 - 4 hang cleans + 3 push jerk
Min #1 - 3 hang cleans + 4 push jerk
Min #1 - 2 hang cleans + 5 push jerk
Min #1 - 1 hang cleans + 6 push jerk
*Use 55% of 1RM hang clean (used 115lbs due to available bumper plates)

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