Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Doubles and Oly
50 double-unders
5 squat snatches
50 double-unders
4 squat snatches
50 double-unders
3 squat snatches
50 double-unders
2 squat snatches

Men: 185-205-225-245 lb.
Women: 135-145-155-165 lb.

Athletes will complete 4 rounds of double-unders and squat snatches. The weight on the barbell will increase each round. This was event #3 for the masters at the 2018 Games.

Time cap: 10 minutes

Subbed 50 heavy rope singles for doubles and power for squat snatches. Choose loads for the snatches that are moderately heavy for you, with the final weight being near your max (155-pounds). Scaled weights to 125-135-145-155. Did not make a successful attempt at 155 - failed both attempts before the time cap.

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