Friday, July 31, 2020

6 rounds. Rest as needed between rounds. 
AMRAP DB bench press (15+ round 1). 
45 seconds max effort assault bike or row.

Go to failure on the bench and then immediately transition to the row or bike for 45 seconds max effort.

Score is total reps and total cals.

Bench Reps-Calories

Held average watts between 72-75 each round. You can really punish yourself in 45 seconds on the bike, especially knowing you have a couple of minutes of rest to follow. 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Crossfit | 190813 (SCALED)
7 rounds
Lunge 20 feet in as few steps as possible (AFSAP).

After each round, perform 4 seconds of L-sit and attempt 1 double-under for each step taken — e.g., if it takes 6 lunge steps, L-sit for 24 seconds, and complete 6 double-under attempts before starting the next round. L-sit can be accumulated and I tried to complete in 2 sets each round. Try to hold the l-sit for the longest time possible - in a few of the rounds, I stayed in support but went to a tuck hold when it became too difficult to keep the legs straight. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

For max calories: 
Four Rounds
Assault Bike
4:00 work | 1:00 rest

210 calories (59 RPM)

Goal is 220+ calories (55 calories per round). Make a note of the average RPM you held for the duration of the piece.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Crossfit | 200423
Shoulder Press 10-10-10-10-10 reps

Notes: While this is a strength-focused workout, stamina will also be challenged due to the number of reps to be completed per set. Ideally, you'll be at 65-70% of 1RM, but don't hesitate to reduce the loads on the final sets to keep mechanics sound.

Used 123 pounds across all sets. This is 65% of my 1RM (190). Each round was a challenge to complete, but I was able to finish each round while maintaining full range of motion.
Day 10 Double Unders Program
2 sets of:
20 seconds of Single-unders Waves
10 seconds rest
30 seconds of Single-unders Waves
10 seconds rest
40 seconds of Single-unders Waves
10 seconds rest
50 seconds of Single-unders Waves
10 seconds rest
1:00 Wrists Warm-up I

Double Under Practice Part I, II or III
Spend 5-10 minutes practicing here your one double (Part I) or your two doubles (Part II). Make sure to count the number of attempts and your successful reps. Remember consistency is our metric of progress and it is what tells us we are ready to move forward to the next step.
If last week you were consistent with double-unders doubles (Part II). It is time to go to Part III.

BPM Test
Just like we did on our first week, today we test. You should perform this BPM test regularly. It serves as a metric progress and as a fun way to push your end range capacity. Let's see how you feel today versus how you felt the first week. The notes below are the same as on week I, make sure to read them so that you keep the standards equal so that the comparison is meaningful.
Begin with a couple of warm-up sets of single-unders, around 20 seconds each, The objective is to find your groove. Then,
▶ Perform single-unders at 135 beats/revolutions per minute (BPM) for one minute.
▶ Rest for one minute. Walk around slowly (do not sit down).
▶ Perform single-unders at 140 BPM for one minute.
▶ Rest for one minute. Walk around slowly (do not sit down).
▶ Perform single-unders at 145 BPM for one minute.
Keep adding 5 BPM in this fashion on each minute. The test ends when you break the minute due to fatigue or you simply cannot keep up the pace.
Record in the comments below all the information you think will be useful to you or to me. We will repeat this test, so all your notes will be very useful.

The objective behind this test is to have a solid measure of progress. We will be assessing two aspects of your jumping rope capacity with this test. The first one is your ability to sustain the activity (endurance). Second your maximal speed (speed skills). The combination of these two metrics will tell us if we are moving towards double-under mastery!

One trip here and there is fine. However, if your tripping due to fatigue and having to rest then you have made it to your last set/
NOTE: If you cannot perform 1:00 at 135 BPM, start with 45 seconds work, still 60 seconds rest, and keep the paces the same.

Monday, July 27, 2020

5000m Assault Bike


Body Armor
3 Giant Sets:
9 Tempo Single Arm Bent over Row (left)
21 Banded Good Mornings
9 Tempo Single Arm Bent over Row (right)
21 Banded Pull-Aparts
Rest 2:00 between rounds.

Notes: Used 35-pound KB and red mini-band for above.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

This was a GRIND! As written the workout calls for :30 of unbroken l-sits and 10 TALL box jumps. Holding the l-sit for even 15 seconds with proper mechanics was challenging. For the box jumps, you want something that feels tall to you. I had to do the l-sits on the parallel bars at Hopewell Elementary and there was not anything even 24" in height to jump onto. So I scaled to box jump-overs with no touch using a "stool" that was about 18-20" high. To make matters worse, this was done in the middle of the day with 'feels like' temps of 104 degrees - just a nasty WOD all-around 👿 
Day 9 Double Unders Program
6 rounds
20-second unilateral complex
10-second rest
4 alternating feet single-unders
4 single-leg single-unders on the right foot
4 single-leg single-unders on the left foot
Increase speed on each round.

A) Double Under Practice I or II
Spend 5-10 minutes practicing here your one double (Part I) or your two doubles (Part II). Make sure to count the number of attempts and your successful reps. Remember consistency is our metric of progress and it is what tells us we are ready to move forward to the next step.

B) Speed Skills
15-second single-unders @160 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @165 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @170 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @175 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @180 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @185 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @190 BPM
25-second rest
15-seconds single-unders @195 BPM

Friday, July 24, 2020

Crossfit  | 181030

Hang power snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps


Notes: Lift done at No Excuses. 148 was really difficult for me - failed my first attempt and the two subsequent attempts I didn't drop low enough and had to press out at the top. I wanted to get a good attempt before going heavier.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

For time:
150 wall-ball shots
14-lb ball to 10-ft target

Karen never fails to kick my butt! Used my new Rogue med ball, throwing against the brick above the garage. A good strategy is descending sets. Start with a set of 18, then 17, 16...etc decreasing by 1 rep each time and finish with a set of 7 reps. 
Day 8
2 sets
3 no-rope bouncing waves (looking for height)
20-second rest
3 rope single-unders waves (looking for speed)
20-second rest
A) Double Under Practice I or II
Spend 5-10 minutes practicing here your one double (Part I) or your two doubles (Part II). Make sure to count the number of attempts and your successful reps. Remember consistency is our metric of progress and it is what tells us we are ready to move forward to the next step.
B) BPM Endurance at High Speeds
5 sets
1:00 Single-unders
0:30 Rest
Take your score on the BPM test and subtract 10 BPM. If your score was 170, your cadence today will be 160.
Normalize your breathing, and relax.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Did a version of CompTrain benchmark "Big Bang" using Rogue 100-pound sandbag in place of the barbell. Sometimes less is more. Just show up, work hard, and have fun! Very proud of this effort. I have done an 8:00 test for max sandbag cleans a couple of times before, and my best was 42 reps. So this was a HUGE PR with the sandbag.

"Big Bang"
For Time:
50 Power Cleans (225/155)
*8 Minute Time Cap

Day 7 Double Unders Program
4 sets
45-seconds single-unders
15-seconds rest

Double Under Practice Part I or II
Spend 5-10 minutes practicing here your one double (Part I) or your two doubles (Part II). Make sure to count the number of attempts and your successful reps. Remember consistency is our metric of progress and it is what tells us we are ready to move forward to the next step.

BPM Endurance Work
3 sets
Perform single-unders at 140 BPM. Keep going until your HR is in zone 4 or 5. That might be a long time. It is alright if you trip here and there, as long as you can keep going and keep up the BPM pace. Once your HR is in zone 5, stop.
Rest and walk slowly trying to bring your breathing back to normal. Rest until your heart rate is back to zone 3.
THIS WEEK: feel free to switch single-unders for alternating feet or boxer jumps and see how that works for you.
Please make sure to track your times per set and write them in the comments below. Compare with results from week 1.
If you don't have a Heart Rate Monitor then follow these guidelines. Zone 5 is when the perceived effort is: hard or very hard. As soon as it is getting hard to keep the pace stop. Start your next set only when your breathing has come back to "normal" levels and you feel ready.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Body Armor A
3 Supersets:
30 Seconds Max Deadlifts (225)

After Each Set:
1 Minute Rogue Sandbag Hold (100)

Rest As Needed Between Sets

Body Armor B
3 Supersets:
30 Seconds Max DB Floor Press (50)

After Each Set:
50 Banded Pull-Aparts (red miniband)

Rest As Needed Between Sets

Deadlifts: 10-12-12 reps
Bench Press: 16-17-18 reps

Notes: Wanted to keep it simple with the 100+ degree temps out here today 🔥. The combination of the deadlifts and bag hold was pretty nasty. Had to break the deadlifts each round, but jumped right back on the bar after a couple of quick breaths. Trying to get your breath while holding a sandbag against your chest is no fun. I wasn't sure how I'd fare on the bench press after all of the deficit push-ups from yesterday but was happy with this effort -- these scores reflect 30 seconds of unbroken effort. Had to break the band work up each set but still tried to finish each set in about a minute.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Day 6 Double Unders Program
2 sets of:
20 seconds of Single-unders Waves
10 seconds rest
30 seconds of Single-unders Waves
10 seconds rest
40 seconds of Single-unders Waves
10 seconds rest
50 seconds of Single-under Waves
10 seconds rest

Double Under Practice Part I
▶ Check the video.
▶ Spend 5-10 minutes of practice here.
▶ If you are consistent already getting one double-under, move to double-under practice II.

CONSISTENCY: We mean if you get are successful with eight or more attempts out of ten.
It is hard to try something, fail, and on top of that, walloping yourself with a rope. Accept that, and be gentle with yourself. Keep in mind our brains get tired too, but they don't feel tired like muscles do. They express themselves in other ways, like anger, crankiness, throwing the jump rope, and screaming. Most likely, your brain endurance is not as good as your cardiovascular endurance. This is also why we want this practice short. 5-10 minutes will do.
Try the following:
▶ Keep a long term view of the process here. You might get one repetition today. You might not. It does not matter. Record yourself and pay attention to your movement. What can we learn today?
▶ Try 5-7 attempts and then chill for 10-20 seconds.

Speed Skills
15-second single-unders @155 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @160 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @165 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @170 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @175 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @180 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @185 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @190 BPM

Friday, July 17, 2020

Day 5 Double Unders Program
6 rounds
20-second Unilateral Complex
10-second rest

4 alternating feet single-unders
4 single-leg single-unders on the right foot
4 single-leg single-unders on the left foot

Increase speed on each round.
BPM Endurance at high speeds
5 sets
1:00 Single-unders
0:30 Rest

Take your score on the BPM test and subtract 15 BPM. If your score was 170, your cadence today will be 155.

Normalize your breathing, and relax.
Hang Squat Clean


Accessory Work
For Quality x 4 rounds
Staggered Stance RDL 10/10
Hollow Hold :30 seconds
Lateral Lunge 8/8
Tuck Crunches :30 seconds

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Every 5:00 for 25:00 
5 Rounds
Run 200m 

Walk back slowly to starting line as recovery between each sprint

Running has not been something I have done a lot of as I have gained weight over the past few years. These sprints are just the kind of thing I need to incorporate more of into my training. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3

This rep-scheme with heavy deadlifts allows for a lot of volume with max loads.


Warmed up with 3-3-3 rep scheme - 155lbs with pause at knee, 155lbs and 199lbs. Focus was on technique and adequate rest between sets. Turn up the DMB Live Trax and lift some heavy s#!t!
Day 4 Double Unders Program
4 rounds
30-second bouncing waves (no rope)
15-second rest

Start with very low and relaxed bounces, gradually increase height till you get to a high and regular bounce, then gradually decrease height till you come back to a low bounce. Repeat this for the duration of the 30-second window.
Wrist Warm-up I

Single Unders Bouncing Waves
10 Rounds
30-second single-unders bouncing wave (with rope)
30-second rest

Building from the warm-up. This drill will work jumping stamina and coordination. We want you to be able to control all aspects of your jumping, height, positions, and cadence.

Regardless of height, the bounce should look the same. Springy, tall, and relaxed.
This will feel slow and it will be difficult to keep swinging the rope from the wrists and not the arms. Focus on those wrists!

Monday, July 13, 2020

10 Rounds
25 heavy rope singles
10 ball slams (25)
5 bar dips 

This is a high volume workout, but you should be able to work through each set unbroken. This was done outside in the heat at Hopewell Elementary where they have a parallel bar. While I did not keep time, a good goal for this workout is somewhere between 12-15 minutes. 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

For max calories:
10 Minutes of Assault Bike

132 calories (60 RPM)

Goal is 150+ calories. Make a note of the average RPM you held for the duration of the 10 minute piece.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

-5 Deadlift + 50ft Farmers Carry
-DB Floor Press
*Superset movements and rest as needed between sets

Notes: Subbed :20s hold for carry because I needed DBs for floor press. Used 155lb barbell with Fat Gripz for deadlifts and 50lb DBs for holds and bench.  

4 Rounds 
20-second High Bounces 
10-second Rest
1:00 Wrists Warm-up 

BPM Endurance Work
Begin with a couple of warm-up sets of single-unders, around 20 seconds each, The objective is to find your groove. Then,
3 sets
▶ Perform single-unders at 140 BPM. Keep going until your HR is in zone 4 or 5. That might be a long time. It is alright if you trip here and there, as long as you can keep going and keep up the BPM pace. Once your HR is in zone 5, stop.
▶ Rest and walk slowly trying to bring your breathing back to normal. Rest until your heart rate is back to zone 3.

Please make sure to track your times per set and write them in the comments below.

If you don't have a Heart Rate Monitor then follow these guidelines. Zone 5 is when the perceived effort is: hard or very hard. As soon as it is getting hard to keep the pace stop. Start your next set only when your breathing has come back to "normal" levels and you feel ready.

Round times were :47, :47 and :49 seconds. I stopped each time, not so much due to an elevated heart rate as the burning in my arch and calves.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Death By Thruster
Minute 1 = 1 Thruster
Minute 2 = 2 Thrusters
Minute 3 = 3 Thrusters
*Continue adding one rep every minute until you cannot complete that amount of reps in that minute
*Score your last completed round + any reps you might get into the next round

I misread this workout - while I preserved the EMOM format, I only did one rep on the minute starting at 75lbs and adding 10lbs each minute until failure. 

Score: Failed the clean on the 195lb bar

Thursday, July 9, 2020

For Time:
200/150 Calorie Assault Bike
*Every 90 seconds, complete 6 step-ups to a 24-inch box

28:16 (108 step-ups; round 18)

Notes: While this is a simple workout, don't be fooled. Need to tell yourself to just keep moving during this workout and eventually you will finish. The heat and humidity were my enemy today 😈 I stopped at 150 cals instead of 200. The box step-ups will add up quickly and most rounds you'll have less than a minute on the bike.
Day 2 Double Unders Program
4 Rounds
20-second Medium Bounces
10-second Rest
1:00 Wrists Warm-up

Jump Rope Waves
5-7 sets
30-seconds of single-unders waves
30 seconds rest

Today we start practicing and developing our speed skills. The objective is that you feel more comfortable speeding up or slowing down at will. Double-unders require that you are very good at speeding up the rope. With our waves work we are practicing that. The objective is for this to be a completely self-regulated activity. That way you can push yourself while being successful. This should be pretty fun and challenging. ENJOY!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

From Crossfit Gymnastics

A: 7 Rounds
20 HS Shoulder Taps w/pause at 10 and :05 hold

B: 5 Rounds
100' Farmer Carry DB 50-pounds + :30 dead hang from pull-up bar

Notes: Both parts of this workout were tougher than expected -- the impact from the yesterday's DB clean and jerks was felt especially in the grip portion of part B. Holds were done on the playground at the middle school. The goal should be to go unbroken on the holds although I was only able to get that on the first round.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

For Time:
30-20-10 reps of
Alternating DB Clean & Jerk (50)
Butterfly AbMat Sit-ups

Day 1 Double Unders Program
2 Rounds 
20-second super low bounces
10-second rest
wrist warm-up 

BPM Test
Begin with a couple of warm-up sets of single unders, around 20 seconds each. The objective is to find your groove, then...

-Perform single unders @ 135 beats/revolutions per minute (BPM) for one minute
-Rest one minute, walking around slowly - do not sit
-Perform single unders @ 140 beats/revolutions per minute (BPM) for one minute
-Rest one minute, walking around slowly - do not sit
-Perform single unders @ 145 beats/revolutions per minute (BPM) for one minute

Keep adding 5 BPM in this fashion on each minute. The test ends when you break the minute due to fatigue or you simply cannot keep up the pace. 

The objective behind this test is to have a solid measure of progress. We will be assessing two aspects of your jumping rope capacity with this test. The first one is your ability to sustain the activity (endurance). Second your maximal speed (speed skills). The combination of these two metrics will tell us if we are moving towards double-under mastery!

One trip here and there is fine. However, if your tripping due to fatigue and having to rest then you have made it to your last set.

I was able to get through the round of 150bpm but I had to break halfway through and then jump at a higher bpm to get the 150 reps in that minute. Jumping for a minute straight is difficult especially after a couple of rounds

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Crossfit | 151218
Hang Squat Clean

5: 118-138lbs
3: 148-158-168lbs
1: 173-178-183-188lbs

Very happy with this effort @ No Excuses. Took my time between rounds and ensured that I was set up properly.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

A: Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Hang Power Snatch x 2 reps

Load by feel, prioritize speed and mechanics over load

75-88-98-108-118-118-128-138 pounds

I thought the 148 pound bar felt easier than expected but I actually I miscalculated while changing the plates and ended up doing 118 pound bar twice with different plate configuration.

B: Assault Bike Intervals
-Every 3 minutes for 24 minutes
-0:45 max effort / 2:15 rest
-Score is total calories

129 calories

Friday, July 3, 2020

Assault Bike Conditioning

A: 5000 meters

-Rest 5:00

B: 3 X 1000 meters

-Rest 2:00

A: 8:42

B: 1:35 - 1:35 - 1:32

Thursday, July 2, 2020

15 Minute Recovery Bike
On the 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00 (4 sets)
5 v-ups
15 banded sit-ups
25 banded good mornings

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

AMRAP 8 minutes
50m sandbag carry 
*you must stop and drop sandbag every 50m before continuing

Score: 7 rounds + 25m