Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Day 1 Double Unders Program
2 Rounds 
20-second super low bounces
10-second rest
wrist warm-up 

BPM Test
Begin with a couple of warm-up sets of single unders, around 20 seconds each. The objective is to find your groove, then...

-Perform single unders @ 135 beats/revolutions per minute (BPM) for one minute
-Rest one minute, walking around slowly - do not sit
-Perform single unders @ 140 beats/revolutions per minute (BPM) for one minute
-Rest one minute, walking around slowly - do not sit
-Perform single unders @ 145 beats/revolutions per minute (BPM) for one minute

Keep adding 5 BPM in this fashion on each minute. The test ends when you break the minute due to fatigue or you simply cannot keep up the pace. 

The objective behind this test is to have a solid measure of progress. We will be assessing two aspects of your jumping rope capacity with this test. The first one is your ability to sustain the activity (endurance). Second your maximal speed (speed skills). The combination of these two metrics will tell us if we are moving towards double-under mastery!

One trip here and there is fine. However, if your tripping due to fatigue and having to rest then you have made it to your last set.

I was able to get through the round of 150bpm but I had to break halfway through and then jump at a higher bpm to get the 150 reps in that minute. Jumping for a minute straight is difficult especially after a couple of rounds

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