Sunday, July 26, 2020

Day 9 Double Unders Program
6 rounds
20-second unilateral complex
10-second rest
4 alternating feet single-unders
4 single-leg single-unders on the right foot
4 single-leg single-unders on the left foot
Increase speed on each round.

A) Double Under Practice I or II
Spend 5-10 minutes practicing here your one double (Part I) or your two doubles (Part II). Make sure to count the number of attempts and your successful reps. Remember consistency is our metric of progress and it is what tells us we are ready to move forward to the next step.

B) Speed Skills
15-second single-unders @160 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @165 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @170 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @175 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @180 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @185 BPM
25-second rest
15-second single-unders @190 BPM
25-second rest
15-seconds single-unders @195 BPM

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