Sunday, July 19, 2020

Body Armor A
3 Supersets:
30 Seconds Max Deadlifts (225)

After Each Set:
1 Minute Rogue Sandbag Hold (100)

Rest As Needed Between Sets

Body Armor B
3 Supersets:
30 Seconds Max DB Floor Press (50)

After Each Set:
50 Banded Pull-Aparts (red miniband)

Rest As Needed Between Sets

Deadlifts: 10-12-12 reps
Bench Press: 16-17-18 reps

Notes: Wanted to keep it simple with the 100+ degree temps out here today 🔥. The combination of the deadlifts and bag hold was pretty nasty. Had to break the deadlifts each round, but jumped right back on the bar after a couple of quick breaths. Trying to get your breath while holding a sandbag against your chest is no fun. I wasn't sure how I'd fare on the bench press after all of the deficit push-ups from yesterday but was happy with this effort -- these scores reflect 30 seconds of unbroken effort. Had to break the band work up each set but still tried to finish each set in about a minute.

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