Monday, February 28, 2022

Part 1 - 7 Min AMRAP
6 Push Up + Pull Across (55-pound sandbag)
6 Barbell Hang Squat Clean (95-pound barbell)
Rest 3 Minutes before Part 2
Part 2
Repeat your Score from Part 1 for time.

Score: Part 1: Total # of Completed Rounds + Any Additional Reps
Score: Part 2: Time to complete Part 2

Goal: (Part 1) 8-12 Rounds Actual: 5 + 2
Goal: (Part 2) 6:30-7:30 Actual: 9:25

Thirty lazy Echo bike cals is clearly not enough of a warm-up because that was rough. Heart rate was spiked throughout, leading to too much standing around. Liked this one better on paper. Treat this like an EMOM next time around and see if that helps your score. 

Sunday, February 27, 2022

5 Rounds
1250 Meters (Hard) Row
Rest 5 MINUTES between rounds
**Make sure to rest after final 1250 meter row.
3 Rounds
500 Meter (Very Hard) Row
Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

The 1250m repeats were a bit slower than session 5's 2000m repeats (2:09.5) but I was pleased with the consistency - all rounds were within 1.8 seconds of each other. Don't forget to consult past sessions to help determine a realistic pace. 
Score: Average 1250 Meter Time (5:30.02)
Score: Average 500 Meter Time (1:58.57)

Saturday, February 26, 2022

10 Rounds 
400m @ r22
100m @ r28
121 DF

A nice way to make the time go by on the way to a 5K. Hit the 100m pieces at 28spm, and at a challenging pace, but make sure it's a pace you can go right into recovery with and repeat. This was done on a cold afternoon out in the garage. Started a little slower but really started to pick up the pace after the third intervals. 

Friday, February 25, 2022

30/30 Intervals on C2 SkiErg 
30 mins of 30 secs on, 30 secs off
🎯 2k pace and rate
90 DF

I decided to hold this closer to my goal 2K pace and rate (2:06/500m and r40). These need to be more consistent. 30 rounds are a lot, but it is only 30 seconds per. This would be a good candidate for a perfect screen workout. 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Workout 82 - RowErg - Toggle Switch 
Twenty eight minutes of continuous effort with plenty of opportunity to pump up the power. Our power stays lit for a minute at a time and gets switched on more and more the further we get into our intervals.  
4 X 7 Minute Intervals 

No rest between intervals -- you'll go straight from one to the next. You'll stay at r24 throughout and adjust the power, slowing down your recovery while increasing your drive speed. The first interval should be used to warm-up into the workout. With this being 28 minutes straight through, I was a little conservative with my pacing. Aim to complete the power intervals at closer to 2:00/500m pace - I was ~2:09 for these intervals. Drag set to the magic number of 119.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Buy-In: 1500m row 

10 rounds of:
3/3 split jumps
10 KB swings (35#)
7 goblet kneeling to standing (14# wall ball)
10 hollow rocks

Cash Out: 1500m row

We are going long today. This workout is not going to be won in the first rounds, but could be lost there. Approach it this way - you have 25-30 minutes of continuous work ahead of you. Super high intensity is not what we are after. What we want is a slow burn. We want you to stay focused and keep moving. Ten rounds is a lot, but go beyond that. The movements are paired so that they are complimentary. Each pair has an explosive movement with a slow stamina one. This is an all-around burn. The reps are such that everything will still get long. Focus on the set at hand and commit to notice when your mind drifts. Once you get back on the rower, things will get real. Start easy, and build your speed by one second every 200 meters. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Row Conditioning 
3x 1200m as follows:
600m @ r30 
400m @ r32 
200m @ r32+
🎯 2k plus 2 and get faster with each interval
Rest as needed between rounds 

I was questioning my decision to not warmup somewhere during the 400m interval 😨🙈. Although I hit my targets, I decided to bail after one round. My legs were heavy from yesterday's 8k and my mind wasn't in a place to endure the needed suffering. Pivoted to a rate capped (r22) 3000m row. Didn't have a target pace in mind - just tried to get faster throughout. 

Monday, February 21, 2022

Row Conditioning 
8000m as follows:
2000m @ r19
8x 250m alternating between r19 and r22
2000m @ r19
8x 250m alternating between r19 and r22

🎯 2k plus 20-22 (r19) and 2k plus 17-18 (r22)
DF 118

Sneaky way to accumulate some volume, the change in distance helped to keep me engaged and focused on hitting my targets. I was a little lazy during the second round of 250s, especially at r19, but overall this was a solid effort. 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

20 Minutes (Moderate) Assault Bike
Rest 4 Minutes
8 Rounds
10 Second Sprint Assault Bike
Rest 1 Minute Between Sprints

Skipped ahead to Week 7 Endurance because my legs are still smoked from Thursday's wall ball/weighted step-up workout. I wanted to do some steady state work on the assault bike to help flush some of the junk out of my legs and finish with some lower body maintenance. Kept the average rpms at 54 for the 20-minute ride. The sprints were all done at 90+ rpms and I finished 64 calories over the 8 rounds. Overall a pretty enjoyable Endurance session.

Score: Calories for 20 minute bike (190)

Friday, February 18, 2022

Workout 28 - RowErg - The Escalator
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 
11 Minute Interval (Steady State @22 Stroke Rate, building to @24, adding Power Strokes)
9 Minute Interval (9 x 50 sec Easy, 10 sec Power)
7 Min Interval (7 x 40 sec Easy, 20 sec Power)
5 Minute Interval (5 x 30 sec Easy, 30 sec Power)
3 Minute Interval (3 x 20 sec Easy, 40 sec Power)
1 Minute Interval (1 x 10 sec Easy, 50 sec Power)
1 Minute Rest Between Intervals

It was suggested to hold a r24 throughout, increasing the power when instructed. My legs didn't have the juice for that early on and I kept the first two intervals at r22. Not a bad effort considering how sore I was. Easy work was around 2:25 and Power about 2:10. 

Total Distance: 7645 meters
Damper/DF: 4 / 113 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

I wanted to flush all of the junk out of my legs after this morning. Did not even watch the clock. Finished up with a lower body tune-up from Street Parking. 

2 rounds per side of:
30 second low lunge
30 second half split
60 second pigeon
2 minutes of wall straddle
For Time:
40 wall balls (14-pounds)
40 medicine-ball step-ups (20-pounds)
Rest 2 minutes
30 wall balls
30 medicine-ball step-ups
Rest 2 minutes
20 wall balls
20 medicine-ball step-ups
Score is total time including rest. 


I wanted to push myself to go unbroken on the wallballs -- broke after 30 on the first round and 21 on the second. It was more shoulder fatigue than my legs wanting to quit. No matter what implement you use (dumbbells, sandbag or medicine balls) the weighted step-ups are a grind - ESPECIALLY when done after wall balls. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

5 Rounds for Time 
Every 5:00 (5 sets)
20 Calorie Row
20 Calorie Echo Bike

Pacing: Reach
DF: 135

You'll complete a 20 cal row and a 20 cal bike then rest until that five-minute interval is up. Repeat for a total of five rounds. Push the pace a bit here knowing you'll have some rest before having to start up again. Each round was roughly equal time work and rest. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

50-40-30-20-10 reps of: 
double unders*
abmat butterfly sit-ups#
*double the volume if doing singles
#halve the volume for banded sit-ups

Was short on time today and just wanted a quick sweat. Did this in the upper pool deck at WCY to up the sweat factor. Opted for heavy rope singles and banded sit-ups with red miniband. Cut the number of sit-ups in half and doubled the jump rope. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

125 Meter (Moderate) Row
1 Minute Rest
250 Meter (Moderate) Row
1 Minute Rest
375 Meter (Moderate) Row
1 Minute Rest
500 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 2 Minutes
2000 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 5 Minutes
2000 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 5 Minutes
500 Meter (Hard) Row
15 Seconds Rest
500 Meter (Hard) Row

Score: First 2000 Meter Row (8:38.0)
Score: Second 2000 Meter Row (8:38.2)

Used 2K plus 13 for the moderate intervals and 2K plus 5 for the hard. The opening intervals are meant to be done at the pace that you will intend to hold for the longer intervals in the middle section. These initial paces will feel CRAZY EASY. Use these intervals to burn this tempo into your brain. Make every effort to stay on pace for that initial longer/middle interval. Consistent pacing is our focus here. The shorter intervals at the end are intended to be fast. 

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Recovery Row 
Distance: 10,000 meters
Rate: 19
DF 116

My knee has been bothering me the past few days so I kept this super chill while watching The Office at home. Held r18 for the first half and slowly bumped up the rate and pace during the back half of this workout. 

Friday, February 11, 2022

On a 25-minute clock, 5 rounds of:
Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
Row for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
Row for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Row for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds
Row for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds

Warmed up with 10-minute DH build. Programmed this using ErgZone which allowed for the :10 intervals to be entered. Total distance with rest was 3824m which compares favorably to last time out when I did this (12.29.21) and just programmed five minute intervals and used the timer on my phone to keep on track.  The first round was a bit conservative, try to keep all intervals under 2:00/500m next time out. 

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Workout 42 - RowErg - Hindsight 
Two 10 Minute intervals @20 with 3 Minutes Rest in Between 

First Interval: 3:00 easy | 4:00 moderate | 3:00 hard
3 Minutes Rest
Second Interval: 3:00 moderate | 4:00 hard | 3:00 moderate
5 Rounds 
Max Reps Handstand Push-ups
15 Hollow Rocks
*Rest as needed between sets

Handstand Push-ups
[based on max unbroken set] 
5 unbroken: 4-3-3-2-1
10 unbroken: 9-8-7-6-5
15 unbroken: 12-10-8-6-4

Used the template above as a guide rather than maxing out each round. Handstands felt good -- don't be afraid to try the 15 unbroken rep scheme next time out.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Recovery Row 
Distance: 5000m
Rate: 19
DF 117

Wanted to just flush away some of the junk in my legs after the past couple of days. Kept things real chill while watching an episode of Modern Family.
Street Parking Tuesday 02/08/2022 
12 Rounds - One Round Every 2 Minutes (24 Minutes Total)
15 Cal Echo Bike
Rest Remainder of 2 Minute Window Each Time
Score is fastest & slowest rounds
Pacing: Send


This was 'fun' especially after all the atlas lunges from yesterday. Pacing is full send each round -- that does not mean sprint as hard as you can and try to hold on, rather try to find a pace at which you can just barely hold on for the required calories. Your speed/rpms in any given interval should be fairly consistent, but will likely slow down as you progress through the workout. A second goal for me was to try and keep these below a minute. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

2022 Vault: "Odin"
10 Min AMRAP
7 V-Ups
1 Sandbag Atlas Lunge (Lunge, Lunge, Squat)
...continue to add one atlas lunge with each subsequent round, i.e. 7/2, 7/3 etc...

Goal: 8+ rounds
Score: 7 rounds + 10 reps (v-ups + 3 atlas lunges)

These short AMRAPS with ascending reps will sneak up on you if you come out too hot. Used the 55-pound sandbag option. Paced a little too much and the workout was over before I knew it. Broke the lunges during rounds 6&7 but kept the sandbag racked and only took a few quick breaths before starting up again. Where I lost time was laying on the ground before/after v-ups. It felt so good to just lay there, haha, but you have to keep moving -- this is only 10 minutes! 

Monday, February 7, 2022

5000m Time Trial 

Goal was 22 minutes or better (2:12/500m pace). The first 1000m were a little slower than what was needed (2:14.6). I warmed up with some dynamic stretching and about four minutes of light rowing but should spend a little more time warming up at target pace so that you are ready from the jump rather than using the first 1000m as an extended warmup period.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Single Time 
30 minute pyramid
5 x 6 minutes
Rate 22//24//26//24//22
DF 121
🎯 2K plus 16-18 seconds @ r22. Increase/decrease pace 2-3 seconds with each rate change.

My arms were heavy from all the cleans Friday and I was lazy on the first six minute split. 

Friday, February 4, 2022

Street Parking Program B Thursday 01/13/2022 
As Far as Possible in 12 Minutes
30 heavy rope singles
1 hang power clean
...continue to add one clean with each subsequent round, i.e. 30/2, 30/3 etc...

Your score for this workout is the number of power cleans from last completed round plus any additional reps.

GOAL: 12-14 rounds
SCORE: 11 + 32 (jump rope + 2 cleans into round of 12)

Kept all rounds unbroken, opting instead for a brief rest between some of the later rounds. Be mindful of the clock because it can be easy to lose 20-30 seconds resting without realizing it.

3X15 V-Ups
3X8 Evil Wheels
3X10 Arch Rocks

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Row Intervals 
3 x 5 minutes 
2 minutes rest
🎯 2K plus 10
Rate 23
DF 120 

After final round, including 2:00 rest, complete 300m sprint for time

Some good lower rate power sets today. Paced the 5:00 intervals nearly perfect. Wanted to go below a minute on the 300m sprint but was completely gassed at the end and fell off my target pace during the last 15 seconds.  

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Every 2 minutes on the 2 minutes x 7 rounds:
1 shoulder press
*add weight each round

Best lift was 175-pounds, failed on the 180-pound bar. Not bad with the lack of weight training in the past year. 

SkiErg Conditioning
5 x 500m // 2 min rest
🎯 2K pace
DF 91

Meant to do six intervals but ran out of time (had to dial in to an 8:30 call). I have only pulled a 2K twice and my best time was 8:44 which is a 2:11 pace. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

2022 Vault #4: "Bestla" 
4 Rounds
100 Meter Shoulder Racked Carry
400m run -or- 30 Cal Bike - or- 36 Cal Row
Rest 1 minute between rounds

Score: Slowest Round (3:12)
Score: Fastest Round (3:09)
Goal: 2:30-3:30

I subbed a 55-pound sandbag (back rack) carry and chose the row option. The workout as written was a 400m run so times with the row/bike are going to be a little slower each round. Dig deep and get uncomfortable on the row. Need a heavier sandbag here, 70 to 80 pounds would have been more appropriate.