Tuesday, March 29, 2022

3 Rounds
1000 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 15 Seconds
500 Meter (Comfortable) Row
NO rest - Straight into-
375 Meter (Hard) Row
Rest 1 Minute
250 Meter (Hard) Row
Rest 1 Minute
125 Meter (Hard) Row
Rest 1 Minute

Score: Round 1 (not including final minute rest): 10:00
Score: Round 2 (not including final minute rest): 9:46
Score: Round 3 (not including final minute rest): 9:48
Goal Time Per Round: 9:40

This was not so bad, yet worse than I thought it might be. Due to circumstances beyond my control - namely impulsivity and inattention to detail, haha - I rested between the first 500 and 375. I grabbed my towel and had a quick sip of water before realizing the clock had already started and was about 25 seconds in. I had to scramble to catch up and mitigate the damage. An area to improve for the next time out is the moderate 1K -- I got slower each round. I just didn't have the push in my legs as this workout went along. 

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