Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Bench Press
Warmup to working weight, then:
75% x 5 (205-pounds)
85% x 3 (225-pounds)
95% x 1 plus (250-pounds)

Used last known PR of 265 - was able to muscle out 3 reps at 250! 

5 Rounds 
3 minute AMRAP
32 calorie row
remainder of 3 minutes, max reps floor press (45s)
2 minutes rest between rounds
Score: Total Bench Reps (101)
19-20-21-19-22 reps

As rx'd called for 135/85-pound bench press, went with dumbbell floor press because of where the rower is located. Each row took ~2:10 and I was able to get right to the floor and start knocking out reps with the dumbbells. The weight was light enough that I was able to go straight through until the bell. 

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