Thursday, April 28, 2022

On the Concept 2: 
2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 5 min, 4 min, 3 min, 2 min pyramid / 2 min easy
Pre-set the monitor for 35 minutes. Row seven intervals in a pyramid of 2-3-4-5-4-3-2 minutes, with two minutes of rest in between each piece.

I had no push at all in my legs and I decided just to keep these chill at a low rate. Looking for something that will get me a little sweaty by the end and will have me feeling super connected throughout every stroke in a relaxed way. 
Saturday 140125 
For time:
Row 500 meters
50 Banded Sit-ups (red mini-band)
Row 1,000 meters
30 Banded Sit-ups
Row 2,000 meters
20 Banded Sit-ups

Body Armor A
3 Sets:
30 Banded Pull-Aparts
30 Banded Push Downs

Notes: Used red mini-band for both. BPD were one arm at a time -- 15 reps per arm, then switch.

Body Armor B
10 Rounds
Reverse Tabata Dead Hang
:10 work // :20 rest

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

4 Rounds
90 Second (Hard) Row
Rest 10 Seconds
90 Second (Hard) Row
Rest 10 Seconds
90 Second (Hard) Row
Rest 10 Seconds
90 Second (Hard) Row
Rest 90 Seconds

Score: Avg. distance for 90-second intervals (349 meters)

The goal here is for the 90 seconds pace to be the same for all 4 intervals each round. Increase that pace for each new round with a goal to move faster with each round. Still getting over the world's longest cold, so I kept these #harderate bordering on #mard. Let the rate control speed. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

300 Dart Challenge 

Object: To row with a consistent stroke rate and power output
Number of Darts (strokes) : 300
Points: 50 points for a bull’s eye; 25, 10, and 5 points for next three rings.

Time: 11:40.5 
Score: 11,980 (15,000 is perfect score)
Distance: 2561m

I am still getting over this cold but want to try and log some meters before the end of the month/season. Turned the drag down to 103 and tried to listen to the flywheel to help stay on track rather than watching the monitor. 
Bench Press

Work up to a heavy single. 


Row Conditioning 
15 minutes steady state row
5 minutes @ 20spm
5 minutes @ 24spm
5 minutes @ 28spm
DF 122

Everything felt great up through the 250# bar -- I was pressing fast out of the bottom and the weight was going up easy. The attempt at 270# would have been a lifetime PR -- wasn't really close here, but happy with this effort overall. Still nursing that cold, but woke up feeling better than I had in a few days. Felt good to sweat out that cold a little bit. 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Row Conditioning 
5 sets of calorie targets
50-40-30-20-10 calories
30 seconds rest between efforts

I am STILL nursing this cold and just wanted to log some easy movement in the garage. Turned the drag down to 105 and kept the pace around 2:20-2:22/500m. 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

With a partner complete the following:
100 alternating v-ups
2000m row 
100 alternating v-ups

This was the workout I programmed for the mens fellowship -- just me and David Tao today. We split the work evenly, switching every 10 reps and 250m on the rower. Still dealing with congestion in my chest so it was perfect to workout with David who could not push the intensity all that high either. A great #morethannothing workout this morning. 

Friday, April 22, 2022

Row Series X - Event 2 - No Time To Die
Row 6000m
600m splits
No Rest

2A: Fastest 600m (2:36.8 #10)
2B: Slowest 600m (2:52.8 #1)

Still dealing with this cold so I kept this relaxed picking up the pace during the last 1000m. Think I can hold 2:10 pace throughout when feeling better which would put me right at 26 minutes. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Row Conditioning 
2 x 2000m // 4:00 rest
DF 116

Pulled this from the Concept2 Workout of the Day archives. Row 2000m @ r26 with 10 hard strokes every 500m, rest 4 minutes and repeat. Nursing a cold so I didn't want to push the pace too much here.  


AMRAP 1:00 x 9 
3 overhead squats AHAP*
Max drag rope singles in remaining time
Rest 2:00 between AMRAPS

*AHAP: As heavy as possible, shooting for 80-90% of 1RM snatch, must remain unbroken

Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Reach

Warmed up with DH 10-minute build. Used 115-pounds for the OHS which was a bit light - I wanted to be conservative with my knee, but 135 would have been a better call here. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

15 calorie row
10 KB snatches @ 35-pounds
100-foot backwards sled drag @ 177-pounds

This was a fun workout with built-in pacing with the walk from the rower to the sled each round. The sled drag was one length of the hallway at WCY with (2) 45-pound plates added to the 87-pound sled. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

4 Rounds
500 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 10 Seconds
Rest 4 Minutes After 4 Rounds
3 Rounds
1250 Meter (Hard) Row
Rest 1 Minute
500 Meter (Hard) Row
Rest 2 Minutes

The pace of the opening four rounds at 500m should be the same as the pace for the 1250m. Use the opening four rounds to figure out what that pace should be. The 500m interval during the three round section should be faster than the others -- push the pace here because you have a two-minute rest afterwards. 

Score: Average 1250 Meter Row Time during 3 Round Section (2:09.4)
Score: Average 500 Meter Row Time during 3 Round Section (2:01.9)

Friday, April 15, 2022

Row Conditioning 
3x 5m/3m/2m
Rest 6 minutes between

🎯 2k plus 19-20 seconds @r18 
🎯 2k plus 19-20 seconds @ r20 
🎯 2k plus 19-20 seconds @ r22

This session is all about that stroke rate and pace control. These are 3x 10 min continuous sets with rate increases along the way. Increase pace at least -2 seconds for each rate increase. This was comfortable and just what I needed following a hard week of training.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

5 Rounds 
500m Row
~2:00 rest between rounds

With the extended rest, you should be able to really send it each round. Managed 10-11 handstand push-ups each round. I wanted to hit double-digit reps each round and keep all of my 500m rows under 2:00 and I did it! Super consistent today. First round was 11 reps and 1:59.1 -- each of the four subsequent rounds was 10 reps and 1:59.4 -- just missed out on a perfect screen on the rower...

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Row Conditioning 
2x15 minutes as follows:
5 minutes @r22
4 minutes @r24
3 minutes @r26
2 minutes @r28
1 minute  @r30
3 minutes rest and repeat

DF 116
🎯 2K plus 15 to start, increase with each rate jump

Let the rate control your speed. I woke up not feeling great and kept it a bit slower than the target pace. The Y got three new rowers yesterday - what a difference a clean machine makes.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Street Parking Program A - 04/13/2022 
AMRAP 12 Minutes
21 Drag Rope Singles
7 Dumbbell Squat
21 Drag Rope Singles
12 Alt. V-ups

Score: 7 Rounds

Don't come out of the gate too hot here. The rounds should go fast, but you don't want to be gassed by the 3-4 minute mark. First time using the drag rope but once I got the timing down it was no worse than the heavy rope. 

Shoulder Press 10-10-10-10-10 reps

While this is a strength-focused workout, stamina will also be challenged due to the number of reps to be completed per set. Ideally, you'll be at 65-70% of 1RM, but don't hesitate to reduce the loads on the final sets to keep mechanics sound.


Took bar from the ground. The 95-pound bar was too easy for this rep scheme - should have stayed at 115 across the board. 

Monday, April 11, 2022

1250 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 3 Minutes
8 Rounds
250 Meter (Moderate) Row
375 Meter (Hard) Row
1 Minute Active Rest/Walk
Rest 3 Minutes
1250 Meter (Moderate) Row

Oh boy! The opening moderate pace for the 250s should be the same as your pace from the opening long interval. Your Hard interval should be very uncomfortable. Maybe kept the moderate paces a little on the easier sider, but sent it on the sprints. The 8x 250 to 375 combo got pretty spicy. The rower at the Y comes with its own challenges (no grips on the handles and the right foot strap comes loose constantly) but I tried to stay focused on the interval at hand and not let these distractions divert me from my goals. Great start to the week! 

Score: Opening 1250 Meter Row (5:35.8)
Score: Final 1250 Meter Row (5:37.7)

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Row Conditioning
9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 minute rest after round 5)
Note: This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose 'Select Workout' then 'Custom List' then 'v1:40/20 r...9'.

Find a comfortable pace to accumulate some volume, but treat this as an active recovery from last week.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Part 1
5 Sets of:
7 Slow Dumbbell Squats
—Rest 1 min between sets
Part 2
5 Sets of:
7 Dumbbell Slow Shoulder Press w/3 second pause at 90°
—Rest 1 min between sets
Part 3
Finisher: 10 min EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute)
Min 1: Wall Sit
Min 2: High Plank

Tried to follow the 3-1-3 (seconds to lower, hold, rise up) tempo for the DB squats. The 3 second hold on the shoulder press was pretty gnarly especially in those later sets. For the finisher, I kept the 10 minute EMOM but scaled to 30 seconds of work during each round instead of a minute. Probably could have gone heavier on the squats (i.e. 35-pounds) but the shoulder press felt like the right weight.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

SkiErg Conditioning 
5 x 300m // 1:00r
5:00 rest
5 x 250m // 1:00r
DF 93

Although these are not long intervals, they should be performed at a sub-max pace that is repeatable. We are looking for consistency here. While not all-out sprints, the 300m should be done at a higher rate - closer to 50, letting the rate control speed.  
Row Conditioning 
10x 500m 
🎯 5k pace and rate
DF 118
2 minutes rest between intervals

Kept these pretty chill using my last 5K as a guide. I think these would be better served to be completed at a target 5K pace, say 2K plus 6 or 7 seconds. The longer rest periods allow for full recovery so push yourself to hold a more challenging pace. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Street Parking Saturday 04/02/2022 - Program A
20 single arm DB clean & jerks
6 burpees
18 single arm DB clean & jerks
6 burpees
16 single arm DB clean & jerks
6 burpees
Continue to lower the clean & jerks by 2 reps each round until you complete
2 single arm DB clean & jerks
6 burpees

Used 30-pound dumbbell and did not keep time. Purposely set my dumbbell about 30 feet from the mat where I would do my burpees so I would have a built in rest with the walk to and from each round. That little bit of rest helped me get my breathing under control and I was able to pick up the dumbbell right away after each round of burpees. This was extra sweaty up on the pool deck at the WCY. 

Monday, April 4, 2022

Row Conditioning 
4-3-2-1 minutes 
1:30 rest between each
26-26-28-34 stroke rate

Pace: start at 2k plus 10 and get faster
Drag: 122

Looking back to the last time I tried this, I should have set my targets a bit faster although that was done on my machine at home instead of the WCY. 

10 minutes to a heavy clean and jerk
Best lift was 185-pounds

Sunday, April 3, 2022

750 Meter (Moderate) Row
375 Meter (Easy) Row
500 Meter (Moderate) Row
250 Meter (Easy) Row
1000 Meter (Moderate) Row
500 Meter (Easy) Row
250 Meter (Moderate) Row
125 Meter (Easy) Row
Rest 1 Minute
750 Meter (Moderate) Row
3 Minutes Active Rest
500 Meter (Moderate) Row
2 Minutes Active Rest
1000 Meter (Moderate) Row
4 Minutes Active Rest
250 Meter (Moderate) Row
1 Minute Active Rest
Rest 1 Minute
750 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 3 Minutes
500 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 2 Minutes
1000 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 4 Minutes
250 Meter (Moderate) Row

This workout is designed to address 3 different types of recovery and is a long one. It should take roughly 1 hour. This was the perfect Endurance session for today. I was sore from a tough week of workouts and we spent a few hours in the car yesterday so I was looking for something where I could build some volume without putting my body through the ringer. Set goals of 2:14.5 for the moderate and 2:24.5 for the easy pieces. Ended up a little slower than those targets but overall a nice workout.

Score: Total Time 1:01:30:6

Friday, April 1, 2022

Rowmania 2022 Event #3 - Sticky Toffee Pudding 
Row 5 minutes
Rest 5 minutes
Row 5000 meters

Score A: 5 min distance (1222m)
Score B: 5000m time (22:00.6)

Was short on time because of some issues at work so I jumped right into this. Nudged the drag up for the first five minutes and dialed it back to the usual number for the 5K. Pushed on the 5 minutes with a goal of 1250m (2:00/500m pace). The idea on the 5K was to row at a higher than normal rate and allow the rate to control my speed rather than having to bring the power at a lower rate.