Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Street Parking Program A - 04/13/2022 
AMRAP 12 Minutes
21 Drag Rope Singles
7 Dumbbell Squat
21 Drag Rope Singles
12 Alt. V-ups

Score: 7 Rounds

Don't come out of the gate too hot here. The rounds should go fast, but you don't want to be gassed by the 3-4 minute mark. First time using the drag rope but once I got the timing down it was no worse than the heavy rope. 

Shoulder Press 10-10-10-10-10 reps

While this is a strength-focused workout, stamina will also be challenged due to the number of reps to be completed per set. Ideally, you'll be at 65-70% of 1RM, but don't hesitate to reduce the loads on the final sets to keep mechanics sound.


Took bar from the ground. The 95-pound bar was too easy for this rep scheme - should have stayed at 115 across the board. 

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