Friday, April 8, 2022

Part 1
5 Sets of:
7 Slow Dumbbell Squats
—Rest 1 min between sets
Part 2
5 Sets of:
7 Dumbbell Slow Shoulder Press w/3 second pause at 90°
—Rest 1 min between sets
Part 3
Finisher: 10 min EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute)
Min 1: Wall Sit
Min 2: High Plank

Tried to follow the 3-1-3 (seconds to lower, hold, rise up) tempo for the DB squats. The 3 second hold on the shoulder press was pretty gnarly especially in those later sets. For the finisher, I kept the 10 minute EMOM but scaled to 30 seconds of work during each round instead of a minute. Probably could have gone heavier on the squats (i.e. 35-pounds) but the shoulder press felt like the right weight.

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