Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Every 4 Minutes for 20 Minutes
(5 Rounds Total)
10 (R) Staggered Stance Dumbbell Deadlift (35-pounds)
15 Weighted Abmat Butterfly Sit-ups (10-pound med ball)
10 (L) Staggered Stance Dumbbell Deadlift

For the stagger stance deadlift, keep your back flat while hinging with most of the weight loaded on the front leg. Choose a weight were you can get all reps done in one set with the last 2-3 (reps per side) feeling like a challenge. The 35s were too light - use 45 or even 50s next time out. 

Body Armor
4 Giant Sets
9-7-5-3: barbell bench press @ 165-185-200-215lbs
30 banded triceps push downs (two hands, purple band)

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