Friday, November 17, 2023

Recovery Row 
10 mins @ 2:29 r18
rest 2:30
7.5 mins @ 2:24 r19
rest 2:00
5 mins @ 2:19 r20
rest 1:30
2.5 mins @ 2:14 r21

Power Surge - ErgZone Challenges #3
Row 500m
Score: Best and Worst SPI for 100m split
SPI = Watts divided by Stroke Rate
Best: 9.47 (3rd 100m)
Worst: 8.25 1st 100m)

Turned the drag all the way down for the recovery row. Felt great and hit my targets with no stress so I decided to finish with another ErgZone challenge. Try this again playing with rate and a lower drag factor. 

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