Monday, November 6, 2023

Row Conditioning 
30/7 = 22? 
30mins broken into seven intervals, alternating between r20 and r24.

8mins @ r20 | 4mins @r24 | 6mins @r20 | 4mins @r24 | 4mins @r20 | 2mins @r24 | 2mins @r20

Pace: open although you should aim to get faster with each interval
DF: 117

Rest as needed, then:

ErgZone Challenge #1 
1min @20spm
Score: average pace for the entire minute

DF: 151
Score: 2:02.4 (245m)

Turned the damper up to 6+ for this one. Find your target pace within three strokes and let it rip! 

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