Friday, June 28, 2024

Row Technique 
⏱️ 20 minutes
🚣‍♂️ 24 s/m

At the beginning of every two minutes, sit and hold the catch position (arms extended, body forward, sitting tall, seat as far forward as possible without hunching or feeling uncomfortable) for 10 seconds then continue rowing. Start at 0:00 with a 10-second catch hold. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Row Series III - Event I  
"The Widowmaker"
Row 650m, rest 30 seconds
Row 650m, rest 90 seconds
Row 650m, rest 30 seconds
Row 650m, rest 90 seconds
Row 650m, rest 30 seconds
Row 650m, done!

A) Slowest 650m time: 2:41.6 (2nd)
B) Fastest 650m time: 2:38.2 (Last) 

You already know how this one is going to feel. Put in a good warmup dialing in the rate and pace prior to starting. I came out too cautious, weary of blowing up. A good goal would be to start at 2K plus 5 and drop your split by a second with each subsequent round. #LASTFAST

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Recovery Row 
10 mins | 2:30 pace | r18 | 2:30 rest
10 mins | 2:25 pace | r19 | 2:00 rest
10 mins | 2:20 pace | r20 | 1:30 rest
10 mins | 2:15 pace | r21 | 1:00 rest

Didn't get out to the garage until around 4 this afternoon and it was pretty hot and humid by the time I sat down to row. Didn't want to stress too much here with the heat so I turned the damper down to 93 and pulled some easy meters while watching Modern Family. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Row Intervals 
6x 500m 
Rate: Open
Pace: Negative splits

Similar to 'Can You Hang' from last week, you'll pick a moderate-to-easy pace for your opening 500m and drop your split by 5 seconds with each subsequent interval. Followed along with a vid from DH Rowing - Shane opened at 2:20 and dropped by :10 each round, finishing with a 1:30 split for the last interval. Not possible for me, but a very aggressive target would be start at 2:22.5 split and drop by 7.5 seconds each interval, finishing with a 1:45.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Find Your Rate 
12x 1' at the following rates:

For max meters each minute. Rest as needed (up to 5 mins) between efforts. The goal (beyond work) is to simply improve distance each time. Faster rates should ALWAYS equal faster splits. Turned the drag way down (90) to play with a lighter flywheel. Don't allow your technique to suffer at the higher rates just to hit the target s/m. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

20 RKB @ 53-pounds
20 single-leg v-ups 
500m row 


Worked out at noon in the garage and had to pace this a bit more with the high temps and humidity. Break the swings and v-ups into two sets from the start as this kind of volume can sneak up on you. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Workout 12 - RowErg - Can You Hang?
5 Min Interval @ Moderate Pace (X*)
2 Min REST
4 Min Interval @ Calculated Goal (X-5)
1 Min REST
3 Min Interval @ Calculated Goal (X-10)
1 Min REST
2 Min Interval @ Calculated Goal (X-15)
1 Min REST
1 Min Interval @ Calculated Goal (X-20)
*X represents your average split for the duration of the 5 minute interval. Your goals for the remainder of the intervals will be based off of this average split. Hold your stroke rate between 24 and 28. Put in a good warmup and be aggressive with your pacing. This felt right, but I may be able to squeeze out another second here if I try this again. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Workout 53 - RowErg - Ups and Downs 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 
Warm Up/Workout: 
12 minute stroke rate pyramid
6 Minute Rest
12 Minute Rolling Hills @ 22 stroke rate
Easy - Moderate - Hard
Moderate - Easy - Moderate
Hard - Moderate - Easy
Moderate - Hard - Moderate  

Monday, June 17, 2024

Workout 91 - RowErg - Tip the Scale 
Total Time: 30 Minutes
Program Set: 1 Minute Intervals/No REST X 30

Use the first six minutes to warmup. You'll start with some pick drills and then build in power before testing the format of the workout. You'll rest during the sixth minute and then start the workout. 

For the first minute, you'll row at an easy-to-moderate pace (holding r24) and set a number of calories that can be reached during that minute. For minutes 2-5 you'll try to reach that same calorie target in less time (goal is 50 seconds or faster). Use the sixth minute to paddle lightly and recover before starting the same format over again. You'll do this a total of four times over the course of the workout. Set my target at 12 calories each of the four rounds and was able to meet the goal comfortably in each of the four rounds.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Row Conditioning 
30:00 row 
First 29 mins @ 19 s/m
Last 1 min @ open rate

Was very hot in the garage and I wanted to do something low and slow. Turned the drag down to 85 and kept the effort level at a 4 out of 10 -- find a pace that would allow you to hold a conversation.  Use good technique and don't be sloppy during the last minute. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Crossfit | 240612 
3 rounds:
400-meter farmers carry
25 abmat butterfly sit-ups

Did this at home so modified the GHD to abmat sit-ups and reduced the reps to 25 each round. Held 25-pound plates in each hand for the carries. Walked the loop around Maryland Ave. for the first round which ended up being 600m. Because of this I did 400m the second round and just 200m the third. The carries got tough, but was committed to picking up the plates with 10 seconds of setting them down to keep moving. Goal is to complete the carry in 5 minutes or less each round. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Workout 95 - RowErg - Keep Growing 
Three nine-minute stroke rate pyramids with a minute of rest between each. Use the first set as a warmup and push yourself on the next two intervals. The catch here is that you will work to maintain the WATTS from peak (3 min interval) on the way down as the stroke rate decreases. Push don't pull -- strong legs will sustain you at the end of this effort. The workout begins light and easy, but by the end, we'll be leaving it all on the machine. 
1 min @ r20, 2 @ r22, 3 @ r24, 2 @ r22, 1 @ r20
1 min @ r22, 2 @ r24, 3 @ r26, 2 @ r24, 1 @ r22
1 min @ r24, 2 @ r26, 3 @ r28, 2 @ r26, 1 @ r24

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Age Group Semifinals Workout #1 
Three Rounds:
50-calorie row 
9 snatches, 6 snatches, 3 snatches


Paced as if I were doing a 150-calorie row. The snatch weights are moderate and I was able to get through each set with just one break. I didn't have the confidence to hold on for unbroken sets although I do think that was possible and could have allowed me to sneak in under the 16-minute mark. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

"Rapid Descent" 
Decreasing time intervals with increasing speeds
6 mins @ r20 
5 mins @ r22 
4 mins @ r24 
3 mins @ r26 
2 mins @ r28 
1 min @ r30
Rest 1:45 between intervals 

Start at 2:15.5 and increase pace by +3 seconds with each subsequent interval. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Row Conditioning 
5,000 meters 
Rate: 22-24
🎯 22 minutes

This is a good benchmark to measure progress albeit a sub-max effort at a lower rate. Followed along with DH Rowing vid designed to bring you home in 22 minutes. Pace it flat, keep the rating steady and sprint the last 400-500m.The first 1000 should feel easy, around 3000 in in starts to get tough and breathing will be hard, 4000 is probably a tad slower, the last 1000 you should be able to bring it home  #lastfast


Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 2024 CTC 
624m row

No rate restrictions and no rolling starts. Warmed up at a very low drag (82) before bumping up to 126 for the workout. That was too big of a jump and the warmup should be closer to race DF. Need to hold a higher rate throughout - at least 30spm if not closer to 33-35 throughout. My 500m PR was done at an average of 39spm! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Rowing Warmup 
4:00 @ r22 // 1:00 @ r26 // rest :30
3:00 @ r22 // :45 @ r30 // rest :30
2:00 @ r22 // :30 @ r34 // rest :30

5-5-5-5-5 reps 


Today we’re hitting 5 heavy sets of 5 deadlifts. Use double overhand grip on the barbell. If you are moving well, increase the weight each round and aim to hit a new PR around set 4 or 5. You may also stick to the same weight across the board or pyramid up and down in load. Remember, the stimulus is to lift heavy, safely, and have fun doing so!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Ghan 
Row 4321m 
Rest 30 seconds
Row 1234m

A: 4321m time (19:28.9)
B: Total Time (24:45.9)

The brief rest will allow you to mentally reset and attack the second half of this workout. Turned the drag down (98) to keep the flywheel moving. Held a moderate pace throughout most of the row, working up to a sprint during the last 300 or so meters each interval. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Workout 98 - You’re the Zest - RowErg 
4mins // 3 mins // 2 mins // 1 min // 2 mins // 3 mins // 4 mins

Use the first 4 minute interval as your warmup holding r22 and building in intensity. For the remaining intervals, set units to WATTS and establish your power on the front half of each minute. During the first :30 seconds of each minute you'll row for MAX WATTS @ r24 then you'll back off during the last :30 seconds of each minute while still maintaining r24. Held back too much during the first 3 minute interval, but was between 220-240 watts for all remaining intervals. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

3,2,1...Go! - ErgZone Challenge S2E1 
321m @ r20
Score: Average Pace
DF 126

Completed on Friday but forgot to log the workout. Warmed up a bit in the garage before tackling this piece. Was not planning to do anything too stressful as my body was a mess from the loooong plane rides Thursday. Goal was to keep this sub-2:00 pace. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Row Intervals 
9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5)
Rate 24
Pace: Moderate 

This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower that I adapted for use on Stairmaster HIIT rower at Taipei Sheraton. Kept the 20 second rest period for all rounds as it is difficult to program this machine. 

Monday, May 27, 2024

'Rowing Annie'
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
calories rowed
weighted sit-ups

Used the Stairmaster HIIT rower here at the hotel again. Held 5kg plate for the sit-ups, touch floor behind head at bottom of rep and floor between ankles at the top. Aim to keep sit-ups unbroken  -- had to break once during the round of 50 and 40, otherwise done unbroken.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Row Conditioning 
Rate 23

Used the rower in the hotel gym again this morning to tackle this benchmark distance. Finished 5025 meters in 20:34 which works out to 2:02.7 pace -- hard to tell how that translates to the C2. Still delivered a good sweat with a sub-max effort. 
Row Intervals 
1 min on, 1 min off
2 min on, 2 min off
3 min on, 3 min off
4 min on, 4 min off
Rate: 20 
Paddle lightly during "off" minutes. 

Was thrilled to see a rower in the hotel gym in Taiwan! It is a Stairmaster HIIT which is very similar in look and feel to the C2, although the monitor is hard to program and I can't capture workouts in ErgData. Really just wanted to unlock my body after the plane ride and rowed along with a DH video. Held a 2:15 pace during the work periods. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Two Rounds
100 drag rope singles
40 push-ups
40 alternating v-ups

Another hotel workout here in Hong Kong. Break the pushups early and often as the overall volume will sneak up on you.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

50-40-30-20-10 reps of:

Double the volume on the jump rope if doing singles. Used drag rope and did straight leg sit-ups in gym at Park Lane Hotel in Hong Kong. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

'Everything is Equal' 
15 rounds of:
1 min work 1 min rest
Rounds 1-14 26 SPM aim to achieve EXACTLY the same meterage each round.
Round 15 30+SPM MAX distance effort.

Followed along with DH vid out in the garage. Set a challenging yet repeatable target during the first round, knowing you'll have to hit that target thirteen more times. Landed on 241m (2:04.4) during that first round. Just missed a perfect screen, missing the target during the last two rounds. Happy with the consistency and power output at a lower drag. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Warm Up:
8 Continuous Minutes of Rowing
4 Rounds of increasing power...
1 Minute at 22 / 1 Minute at 24
1 Minute at 22 / 1 Minute at 26
1 Minute at 22 / 1 Minute at 28
1 Minute at 22 / 1 Minute at 30

6x :20 work //:20 rest @ r24
6x :20 work //:30 rest @ r26
6x :20 work //:40 rest @ r28
Five Minutes of Fun: 
For 5 Minutes, holding a Stroke Rate of 24, complete 5 rounds of...
50 Seconds of Moderate Intensity 
10 Seconds of Maximum Power 

The goal was negative splits during each of the :20 sprint intervals. Was very pleased with the power I was able to generate with the drag set to 100. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Row Intervals  
4 x 1:00 @ 28spm / 1:30 @ 22spm / :30 rest

Negative contrast work: maintain the SPI from the minute work at r22 to the ninety seconds at r22. Again I had the drag turned down to the high 80s and was too slow on the r22 work. Need to hold 145-150 WATTS at r22 to match my output at r28.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Rowing Intervals 
2 sets of 11 reps:
40 seconds work // 20 seconds rest
Rate changes with each rep
Rest 3 minutes between each set

Your focus today should be on hitting rate targets. Do not be concerned with power, but be bold and have fun! Kept the drag low again today, but pushed myself a bit on these to hit some higher wattage numbers. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

CTC May 2024 - 1814 
Row 1 minute
Row 8 minutes
Row 1 minute
Row 4 minutes
1 minute rest between each

I tweaked my low back some yesterday with the sandbag carries and wanted to keep things somewhat chill today. I turned the drag down to 88 and kept the rate at 22 for each of the four intervals. Felt good enough to push on the second one-minute interval and was happy with the pace I was able to find. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

5 Rounds 
12 v-ups
150-foot sandbag carry
21 calorie row

Holding the bag against your chest restricts your breathing making this that much tougher. Walk from garage door across the street and back and keep a steady pace on the rower. Was short on time and did not spend any time warming up which showed during my first row. These should be closer to 950-1000 calories per hour pace. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Workout 44 - RowErg - Opportunity Knocks 
Warm Up: 
5 Rounds...
30 Seconds Easy
30 Seconds Powerful
5 Rounds of 2 Minutes of Work
Each Work Segment 
5 Strokes to Build
10 Strokes at a Powerful Steady Cruise
Easy the remainder of the 2 Minutes
5 Rounds of 3 Minutes of Work
Each Work Segment
5 Strokes to Build
5 Strokes at a Powerful Steady Cruise
A Set of Power Burst Strokes
10 Strokes at a Powerful Steady Cruise
Easy the remainder of the 3 Minutes

Thursday, May 9, 2024

1 minute work // 30 seconds rest 
Rate: 24-26

Use the first five intervals to warm-up. Paddle lightly during rest periods. Because we'll be rowing for 30 minutes straight, these will not be all-out efforts. Instead, pick a pace that would challenge you for 20 minutes. Settled on my 5K pace, getting faster during the last five intervals. #lastfast

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Workout 14 - RowErg - Raise You 20 
Warm Up 
3:00 WORK @24 
3:00 WORK @24/26/28
3:00 WORK @28
WORK intensity is defined as...
:60 Easy, :20 Very Easy, :40 Moderate, :40 Very Easy, :20 Hard

Segment 1:  8 Rounds of 20 Second Sprints @28 with 10 Seconds Rest in between 
~2 Minute BREAK 
Segment 2:  4 Rounds of 40 Second Sprints @28 with 20 Seconds Rest in between 
~2 Minute BREAK 
Segment 3:  2 Rounds of 60 Second Sprints @28 with 30 Seconds Rest in between 
Bumped up the drag a bit for these sprints (DF 136). My goal was consistency across all sets of a particular segment. I was able to get faster during the longer intervals. I think this is because it took me a few seconds to settle into r28 before I was able to apply the power. This workout was actually done Wednesday May 7, I just forgot to log it. 
Skeleton Crew Challenge - Workout 6 
Time: 20 minutes, as follows:
5:00 easy (warmup)
4:00 moderate @ r24 (WATTS ~150)
3:00 easy 
2:00 moderate/hard @ r26 (WATTS ~170)
1:00 easy
5:00 hard (2:00 @ r24; 2:00 @ r26, 1:00 @ r28)
🎯 4500m (2:13.3 average)

Was short on time this morning, this was just what I needed - 20 minutes and a good sweat. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Workout 101 - As The Flywheel Spins 
Three Rounds
7x 1:00 work | :30 rest 
2-ish minutes rest between rounds

First round should be used as a warmup. Focus is on practicing the sprint start before settling into your target rate (25). Sprint start is initiated with the legs. Four solid strokes, prioritizing the legs -- 1/2, 1/2, 3/4 and full stroke. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Workout 55 - RowErg - Pendulum Conundrum 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 
9x1:40 on, :20 off (2 minute rest after round 5)
Note: This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose 'Select Workout' then 'Custom List' then 'v1:40/20 r...9'.

Once you are nice and warm, you'll then set the damper to your choice and complete the Tabata portion of the workout. For Tabata intervals, choose a damper you want to experiment with. I set the damper at 3 with a DF of 96. Recommended RPE is 9 - even at a lower drag, all intervals should be done below your 2K pace. 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

10 RFT:
6 Deadlifts @ 185lbs

Head to sand bell for HSPU - these were smooth and fast and I kept all sets and reps UB. Deadlift was not enough of a challenge at this weight, I have previously done this workout at 225# and that would have been a better choice. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Workout 51 - RowErg - Feed Your Hunger 
This stamina sandwich will fuel your fire.  With two hard efforts to endure on either side of a set of consistent intervals, this is bound to satisfy your craving.
Warm Up:
Gradually build in Power
1 Minute @20
1 Minute @22
1 Minute @24
1 Minute @26
2 Minutes Steady Pace @24
2 Minutes Drop 5 Seconds off Pace
2 Minutes Drop 5 Seconds off Pace
2 Minutes Drop 5 Seconds off Pace
2 Minute Rest
8 Rounds of Consistent Hard Effort
45 Seconds Work @26 with 15 Seconds Rest
2 Minutes Rest
2 Minutes Steady Pace* @24
2 Minutes Drop 5 Seconds off Pace
2 Minutes Drop 5 Seconds off Pace
2 Minutes Drop 5 Seconds off Pace
*Starting Pace a little more challenging than before

The second half of the stamina sandwich was a MESS! I was consistently rating higher than 24 and my pacing was not consistent. Opened with 2:18 on the first interval and 2:16 for the second. Not sure if this was a tougher workout than I thought or I just didn't have it today. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Strength - 
20x25 sec on 15 sec off
*5 of each
1) med ball deadlift
2) pushups
3) med ball squat 
4) hollow hold (option to hold med ball)

Used 20lb med ball for deadlift and squats, holding the ball in bearhug position for the squats. No weight on the hollow hold as my abs were pretty sore from yesterday. 

Conditioning - 
3x3mins // rest 1min
rate 24-26
2k plus 14; get faster 
300m for time

Turned the drag up for the 300m sprint at the end and let it rip. Happy with this effort - especially after a strength session and with my midline trashed. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Workout 65 - Ride The Wave 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast

Warm Up:
Easy Rowing without Straps @ 20 Strokes per Minute 
Technique Note: The Dollar Bill Trick and Rowing without Straps
100 Strokes* @20 
100 Strokes* @24
100 Strokes* @28
100 Strokes* @24/@28/@32
*Accumulating 100 strokes by 3 Rounds of 10 easy, 10 moderate, 10 hard; finish out the last 10 strokes easy. There is a brief rest period between each 100 strokes (~60-90 seconds).

Core Values
3 Rounds
25 V-Ups
40 Russian Twists w/ 10lb med ball

Friday, April 26, 2024

Row Power Intervals 
6x 30 secs work / 2 mins 30 secs rest
Rate 24
Rest 4 mins between sets
🎯 2K minus 2 or as fast as possible at rate
DF 138

Got through this a bit easier than anticipated. Logged an extra pull on round 10, but hung onto the target pace and finished with a pretty strong split on the last rep. Peak WATTS was 292. #lastfast

Thursday, April 25, 2024

15 Rounds 
3 Deadlifts @ 230lbs
Farmer's Carry 40 yards as heavy as possible (70lb kettlebells)
*For famer's carry walk out 20 yards and back 20 yards

Bye, bye grip... Used trap bar with a heavier load since I did not have Fat Gripz with me. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Rowing Intervals 
Interval 1: 6 mins @ r18 (warmup), undefined rest
Interval 2: 4 mins @ r20, rest 2 mins
Interval 3: 3 mins @ r22 (power 10s at top of each minute), rest 90 secs
Interval 4: 2 mins @ r24m rest 1 min
Interval 5: 1 min @ r26, rest 30 secs
Interval 6: 1 min @ r28, 5 mins cooldown

You'll see a progressive increase in both rate and speed with each subsequent interval. Push through the feet at the catch and push the hands away at the finish. Find your power at the lower rates and squeeze your speed as you approach the r24 work. For these shorter duration efforts, the drag should be set between 125 and 130. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Build to heavy set of:
2 strict press plus 3 push press

Pushup Biathlon 
30/20/10 pushups 
500m row after every set
*250m penalty row if you break any pushup sets (to be paid before continuing on with pushups)

Accessory: Pushing
10-8-6-4-2 alternating double DB strict press*
5-4-3-2-1 HSPU
*hold 1 DB in front rack while other is pressed overhead
*build in weight each round

Best set was 155lbs - bar was taken from the ground each set. Probably could have gone heavier, but knew there was a lot of pressing coming up and wanted to save my shoulders. Broke the set of 30 pushup at 19, otherwise everything else was unbroken. Opened with 25lb DBs and increased by 5lbs each set, ending with a pair of 45s. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Row Intervals 
Four 10-minute intervals with ~2 minutes rest between
Interval 1: 1 min @ r28, 1 min @ r26, 1 min @ r24, 1 min @ r22, 1 min @ r20, 1 min @ r20, 1 min @ r22, 1 min @ r24, 1 min @ r26, 1 min @ r28
Interval 2: 2 mins @ r22, 1 min @ r28, 3 mins @ r20, 1 min @ r30, 2 mins @ r24, 1 min @ r30
Interval 3: 2 mins @ r22, 1 min @ r26, 2 mins @ r24, 1 min @ r28, 3 mins @ r20, 1 min @ r30
Interval 4: 1 min @ r28, 2 mins @ r22, 3 mins @ r20, 2 mins @ r24, 1 min @ r28, 1 min @ r30

Warmed up with :30 on / :30 off for 12 minutes building in rate to prepare for the demands of this workout. Noted after the fact that recommended sequence was in reverse order from #4 to #1. Ten minutes blurs the line between power and conditioning. Don't let the pace drop too much on the lower rates, especially coming off a r26 or 28. Allow the pace to be dictated by the increase in rate, adding a bit of power but being careful not to redline.

Friday, April 19, 2024

ErgZone Challenge #7 - The Great Pyramid 
Thirteen one-minute splits with no rest
Rate change every minute: 18-20-22-24-26-28-30-28-26-24-22-20-18

You choose the wattage/pace for the initial split (first minute)
Your goal: replicate the same SPI (Stroke Power Index) for the subsequent 12 minutes.

Scoring: One point for each split you meet the target SPI (watts divided by rate)

Pacing felt good - this was a challenge especially during the 28-30-28spm rounds. The challenge is to not fall off your pace on the back half as the rate starts to go down. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Every 2:00 for 12:00 (7 total sets):
1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Power Clean (from the ground) + 1 Push Jerk

Begin between 60-70% of 1RM Power Clean and work to a max for the complex. Best successful lift was 175-pounds.

1) 4X1 Strict Press + 3 Push Press - work to a max for the complex, rest 2:00
2) 1X2 Strict Press + ME Push Press - use heaviest load from # 1

Best lift on part #1 was 170-pounds. Failed the second strict press at 170 for part #2. Bar was taken from the floor each round.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

5 Rounds
100m mixed KB farmers carry (35/44lbs)
20 extended single-arm DB sit-ups (10lbs)
10 deadlifts (170lbs)

Hold one kettlebell in each hand, with the heavier kettlebell in your weaker hand for the first round. The deadlifts should be a no-doubt weight for ten reps, but this was still too light. 185lbs would be a better fit here. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

40-30-20-10 reps of:
weighted sit-ups 
russian twists
*every 3 mins do :40 plank


Used 10lb med ball for sit-ups and twists. 

21-15-9 reps of:
SkiErg calories
KB upright row @35lbs
barbell curls @45lbs

SkiErg was a sub for strict pullups. Probably should have gone with supine rows instead. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Workout 59 - RowErg - Right Here Waiting For You 
Rowed along with the podcast which helped me to get through this last day of the C2 AF Challenge. There was a different objective for each interval, helping me to stay locked in and not just mindlessly row for an hour-plus. Finished the challenge with 125K which is more than my total for all but TWO MONTHS this season! Looking forward to no rowing for the next few days.

Warm Up:
3 Minutes @22 Easy
1 Minute @22/24 Hard
3 Minutes @24 Easy
1 Minute @24/26 Hard
3 Minutes @26 Easy
1 Minute @26/28
3 Minutes Rest
3 Minutes Easy
2 Minutes Moderate
1 Minute Hard
1 Minute Easy
2 Minutes Moderate
3 Minutes Hard
3 Minutes Rest
4 Minutes @22 Increasing Intensity
4 Minutes @24 Increasing Intensity
4 Minutes @26 Increasing Intensity
3 Minutes Rest 
Every Minute Change Stroke Rate
3 Minutes Rest
Every Minute
First 40 Seconds Easy
Last 20 Seconds Hard
3 Minutes Rest
1 Minute @28/26 Hard
3 Minutes @26 Easy
1 Minute @26/24 Hard
3 Minutes @24 Easy
1 Minute @24/22 Hard
3 Minutes @22 Easy  (Cool Down)

Sunday, April 14, 2024

C2 April Fools Challenge
Day 14: 14,000m 

20:00 work // 3:00 rest
16:00 work // 3:00 rest
12:00 work // 3:00 rest
08:00 work // done! 

Turned the damper down and kept this real chill. My focus was on finding good technique and moving well while watching 30 Rock out in the garage. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Stroke Rate Pyramid 
10-minute intervals with 2 minutes rest between

First Interval: change the rate each minute

Second Interval: first minute light, second minute with pressure

Rowing Intervals 
6x 6 min cont. (2:45/:30/2:45)
rest 2:00 
rate 20
10 max effort strokes at r20 on middle :30 (power 10!)

This is a great workout to accumulate some volume and practice recovery while still working. Pay attention to the change in ratio between drive and recovery during the power 10s. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Row Conditioning 
8 Rounds
3:00 @ r24
1:00 @r28
1:00 active rest

More aggressive strokes at pressure supplemented with a minute of active rest to maintain composure. Active rest should keep the heart rate up while allowing you to recover for the next set. I set the drag to 100, and intentionally rowed a couple of beats slower than intended, as this session was part of the 12K required for the C2 AF Challenge today.