Tuesday, August 20, 2019

FTF Chubb Event 6: Godzilla
With an 11 minute clock, complete the following for time:
100 Jump Rope
40 Kettlebell Deadlifts (40)
30 Dumbbell Snatches (30)
20 Dumbbell Thrusters (25)
10 Wallballs (14)
*With remaining time, find your 3 Repetition Maximum Hex bar Deadlift.

Notes: Barbell can be loaded with your starting weight before the workout begins.

There will be two scores for this event.
Score 1: total time to complete the “chipper” portion (4:41)
Score 2: total amount of weight of your final successful 3 rep lift (330lbs)

Notes: Used heavy rope for singles. My goal was to go unbroken, however, I broke the deadlifts after 25 reps. All other work was done unbroken.  When I got back to the bar for deadlift, there was about 6:00 remaining. Made the opening lift easily, but I mistook (2) 25lb bumpers for 45lbs so I actually opened at 235 instead of 275. Made 3 additional attempts in the time limit, hitting 330 pretty easily with just under a minute to go. Was very pleased with both parts of this workout.

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