Monday, August 12, 2019

FTF Chubb Event 6 Training 
With an 11 minute clock, complete the following for time: 
100 Jump Rope
40 Kettlebell Deadlifts (40)
30 Dumbbell Snatches (30)
20 Dumbbell Thrusters (25)
10 Wallballs (15)
*With remaining time, find your 3 Repetition Maximum Hex bar Deadlift.

Notes: Barbell can be loaded with your starting weight before the workout begins Warmed up deadlift prior to starting chipper (best warm up was 255lbs)

There will be two scores for this event. 
Score 1: total time to complete the “chipper” portion (7:05)
Score 2: total amount of weight of your final successful 3 rep lift (275)

Notes: Used heavy rope for singles and broke each DB exercise at the halfway mark. When I got back to the bar for deadlift, there was about 3:00 remaining. Made the 275 bar easily, but failed my attempt at 305. This was more of a grip issue than anything else. For the event, make the jump to 295 from 275. 

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