Thursday, August 15, 2019

Wednesday 190809
5 rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
15 bench presses

F: 95 lb.
M: 135 lb.

Notes: Commit to pushing hard on this one. Choose a distance on the rower that allows you to keep a faster pace right from the start, and a load you think you'll be able to do unbroken for the whole 5 rounds -- keep the number of reps high. Keep in mind we want this to be continuous and intense with basically no breaks other than the transition between movements. The mix of muscle fatigue from the bench and lung fatigue from the row is what we are after.

I scaled to 95lb on the bench, being cautious after so many handstand push-ups yesterday. This was too light -- there was not any doubt about hitting any of the sets unbroken. Better scale would be 115lbs. Tried to keep the row in the neighborhood of 1:55 each round so that I was breathing heavy, but not completely gassed as I might be coming off at 1:50 or below.

Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5

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