Thursday, November 30, 2023

So many short rest intervals, at high stroke rates and low damper settings aid our quest to find the "Magic Catch".  Can we make the point at which the Recovery and the Drive meet, disappear? Light and quick at the catch and quick at the finish. 

18 Rounds of...
1:40 @28 Stroke Rate at Race Pace with 20 Seconds Easy Rowing

Rate: 28
Pace: (suggested target = 2k plus 10)
DF: 86 (damper at line between 1 and 2)

The suggested pacing guidelines were too aggressive for today. I opted instead to hold around 2k plus 17-18 for the duration of the workout. RPE was around 6-7 - be more willing to suffer to achieve target pacing. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

5 RFT 
15 calorie row
15 bench press @ 135-pounds
15 sandbag bicep curls @ 55-pounds


Be smart and break the bench and curls from the start. Smashed my time from a previous effort.

A: 15-12-9-12-15 reps of:
banded good mornings (red band)
banded triceps pulldown (purple band)

B: 4x15 uneven press outs with weighted bar

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

7 Rounds
250 Meter (Easy) Row
375 Meter (Very Hard) Row
2 Minutes Active Rest

This is a continuous workout. The "Easy" pace should feel more difficult and higher exertion than the "Active Rest". No rest between the "Easy" interval and the "Very Hard" interval.

Score: Total Time 31:11
Score: Average 375 Meter (Very Hard) Time 1:29.44

Put in a good warmup working to a stroke rate you'll use for the 375m intervals. Tried to hold each of the 375s under a 2:00/500m pace. 

Monday, November 27, 2023

The Ghan 
Row 4321m 
Rest 30 seconds
Row 1234m

A: 4321m time (19:18.6)
B: Total Time (24:36.2)

Treat this similar to a 5K time trial. The brief rest will allow you to mentally reset and attack the second half of this workout. 

Friday, November 24, 2023

Friday 231124 
3 rounds for time:
30 weighted sit-ups (14lbs)
15 deadlifts (205lbs)


Warmed up with Dark Horse 10-minute build. Used trap bar with handles up for the deadlifts. Last set was unbroken - first two were broken 9&6. Subbed medball sit-ups for GHD due to availability. Push HARD to get this one done sub 10 minutes. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

10 Minute (Comfortable) Row
Rest 30 Seconds
250 Meter (Hard) Row
Rest 1 Minute
9 Minute (Comfortable) Row
Rest 30 Seconds
250 Meter (Hard) Row
Rest 1 Minute
8 Minute (Comfortable) Row
Rest 30 Seconds
250 Meter (Hard) Row
Continue for 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Minutes...

Both the "Comfortable" and "Hard" pace should remain the same throughout. "Hard" is uncomfortable but not all out. Held 2K pace for each of the 'hard' pieces. This was a grind 🚣🏽‍♂️πŸ˜…

Score: Total Distance for the whole thing (13,912 meters)
Score: Average 250 meter time (58.1 seconds)

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

"Odds Only" - Rowvember 11.22.23 
rest 115 seconds
rest 75 seconds

This longer workout will build those endurance muscles and this time we're only using odd metrics. Maintain 20SPM for the duration of the workout with moderate intensity. Bumped up my pace by 4 seconds with each interval. 

Tabata Weighted Sit-ups (14#)
Reverse Tabata Hollow Hold (10 seconds work, 20 seconds rest)

Monday, November 20, 2023

Row Intervals 
1:00 / 1:30 / 2:00 / 2:30 / 3:00 / 3:30 / 4:00
Equal rest for each interval
Rate 22
🎯 2k plus 10 (2:06.5)
DF 117

Power development effort this morning. Found target pace to be challenging yet sustainable at this rate. Hot, sweaty meters at low rate focusing on building power.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Row Conditioning 
DF 117

Planned to row easy 30 mins while watching Redzone. Try starting at target plus 1 and drop your split by 1 with each five minute block, increasing your speed even more so during the final three minutes. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Recovery Row 
10 mins @ 2:29 r18
rest 2:30
7.5 mins @ 2:24 r19
rest 2:00
5 mins @ 2:19 r20
rest 1:30
2.5 mins @ 2:14 r21

Power Surge - ErgZone Challenges #3
Row 500m
Score: Best and Worst SPI for 100m split
SPI = Watts divided by Stroke Rate
Best: 9.47 (3rd 100m)
Worst: 8.25 1st 100m)

Turned the drag all the way down for the recovery row. Felt great and hit my targets with no stress so I decided to finish with another ErgZone challenge. Try this again playing with rate and a lower drag factor. 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Sprint Conditioning
1 min on // 2 mins off x 10 rounds

Rate: 28/30/32 (change rate every :20)
Pace: 2K 
DF: 111; 7-10 ticks below normal

I did a nice long warmup which included a nine-minute easy row, foam rolling and then 5x20 seconds at starting pace and stroke rate. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Every 4 Minutes for 20 Minutes
(5 Rounds Total)
10 (R) Staggered Stance Dumbbell Deadlift (35-pounds)
15 Weighted Abmat Butterfly Sit-ups (10-pound med ball)
10 (L) Staggered Stance Dumbbell Deadlift

For the stagger stance deadlift, keep your back flat while hinging with most of the weight loaded on the front leg. Choose a weight were you can get all reps done in one set with the last 2-3 (reps per side) feeling like a challenge. The 35s were too light - use 45 or even 50s next time out. 

Body Armor
4 Giant Sets
9-7-5-3: barbell bench press @ 165-185-200-215lbs
30 banded triceps push downs (two hands, purple band)

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Row Intervals 
10 x 400m // :40 rest between each
10 x 300m // :30 rest between each 
10 x 200m // :20 rest between each 
10 x 100m // :10 rest between each 

Pulled this from 12 Ways To A 10K on the C2 site. Short frequent (40 of 'em 😬😬) intervals keep your heart rate up. It is recommended that you take the rest intervals as true rests to allow your heart rate to go down. There weren't any pacing instructions so I kept the pace/rate around my goal 10K. 

Monday, November 13, 2023

Row Pyramids 
1 mins @ r28
2 mins @ r26
3 mins @ r24
4 mins @ r22
5 mins @ r20
4 mins @ r22
3 mins @ r24
2 mins @ r26
1 mins @ r28
Rest 2 mins between each interval. 

You are coming out of the gate hot today so make sure you are warmed up and ready for higher SPM. Up to you what you want to do during rest intervals, but make sure you are ready to go when it is time for the next interval. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

The Perfect PM Memory Screen 
5 sets of 500m // 2 mins rest

The catch here is that all intervals need to be at the same pace and rate to create what is considered a *perfect* screen. Set my goals after finishing the first interval. 

ErgZone Challenge #6 - Triumph 
3 Rounds 
30 seconds work
2 minutes rest
Score: MAX (highest) WATTS
No rolling start allowed! 
Score: 452 WATTS (1:31.8/500m pace)

You'll reach your MAX somewhere in the first fifteen seconds then back off. Played around with some higher damper settings - drag was 142 for the first two rounds then 172 for the third. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

ErgZone Challenge #7 - The Great Pyramid
  • Thirteen one-minute splits with no rest
  • Rate change every minute: 18-20-22-24-26-28-30-28-26-24-22-20-18
  • You choose the wattage/pace for the initial split (first minute)
Scoring: One point for each split you meet the target SPI (watts divided by rate)

The ErgZone app will calculate and display the required wattage for the next split. I did not understand the challenge and came out a little too hot at r18 which made the middle of this workout much tougher. Try again with a target SPI at 7.1 (open at 2:20 for r18). 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Row Intervals 
90secs @ r24, 30secs rest
60secs @r26, 45secs rest
30secs @r28, 60secs rest
15mins @ r22, 30secs rest
30secs @r28, 60secs rest
60secs @r26, 45secs rest
90secs @ r24, done! 

This is a pyramid workout with a difference. You have ascending intervals on the way up, a sustained interval at the top, and descending intervals to bring you home. Used the warmup to get my body used to the higher rates. Used the force curve at r22 and noticed it was peaking too much at the back end of the curve - this is a sign that I am not getting enough leg drive or pulling too much with my arms at the end of the stroke. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

3 Rounds 
25 banded pull-aparts (red band)
25 hollow rocks 
25 banded push-downs (purple band)
25 banded good mornings (red band)
Rest 1 minute between rounds 

Crossfit 221212
5 Rounds
10 deadlifts (185-pounds)
sled push up/back hallway (+45 pounds)
15 push-ups 

There is no prescribed rest between rounds but I was breathing heavy from the start. Kept each round unbroken but rested as needed between rounds. The combo of deadlifts and sled push made this more of a cardio workout for me. Used the accessory work as a warmup before hitting the metcon. 

Monday, November 6, 2023

Row Conditioning 
30/7 = 22? 
30mins broken into seven intervals, alternating between r20 and r24.

8mins @ r20 | 4mins @r24 | 6mins @r20 | 4mins @r24 | 4mins @r20 | 2mins @r24 | 2mins @r20

Pace: open although you should aim to get faster with each interval
DF: 117

Rest as needed, then:

ErgZone Challenge #1 
1min @20spm
Score: average pace for the entire minute

DF: 151
Score: 2:02.4 (245m)

Turned the damper up to 6+ for this one. Find your target pace within three strokes and let it rip! 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

5 bag cleans 
15 weighted sit-ups (15-pounds)
up/down driveway farmer carry (50lbs)

Men's VC workout with Roper this morning. We alternated rounds of the AMRAP finishing with six rounds each.

Midline (Posterior)
50 good mornings
bag hold

Matt held the bag while I completed good mornings and then we switched. Good finish to the workout! 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Crossfit | 230209
For 12 minutes complete:
3 deadlifts on the odd minutes
3 shoulder presses on the even minutes
Use 80% of your max deadlift and shoulder press.

265-pounds DL 
140-pounds SP

Trap bar with handles up for deadlifts. 

Finisher - 5 Rounds
10x seated banded shoulder presses (red band)
10x banded good mornings (red band)
100m farmers walk (53-pounds)

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Complete 10 rounds:
Row for 1 minute, active rest for 1 minute.
*Row for 1 minute as many meters as you can, rest one minute.
*Do not stop rowing during rest intervals, keep rowing lightly. 
*Continue this cycle for a total of 20 minutes.

Rds 1-4: r22
Rds 5-8: r26
Rds 9&10: r30 
🎯 2500m 

Handstand Complex
20s Hold + 10 straight arm side taps
Repeat for a total of 4 sets 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Row Intervals 
Rate: 16/20/22/24
Pace: open; get faster with each rate increase

This is the first workout for Rowvember. You'll row for 20 minutes straight through, with the time broken into one-minute intervals repeated five times. Aim to hit the target stroke rate for each interval. Dial in your technique for the r16 work - accelerate backwards and glide forward. 

Body Armor
2 Rounds
30 banded pull-aparts (red mini-band)
30 banded pulldowns (purple band)
30 hollow rocks