Saturday, February 29, 2020

As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

Reaching into the depths of our potential through 16 effective one minute intervals. Hard work pays off...exponentially.

Workout (32 minutes):
16 x 1 minute of work intervals
(1 minute rest in between)

Set 1: 4 intervals @ 22 s/m
Set 2: 4 intervals @ 24 s/m
Set 3: 4 intervals @ 26 s/m
Set 4: 4 intervals @ 28 s/m

Notes: We will dial in our comfort with the new stroke rate. The last 3 intervals of each set, we aim to maximize the number of calories we can accumulate in that minute. The ultimate goal is to maintain or increase the number of calories accumulated in each minute all the way through the workout. (Effort is an 8 or 9 on the RPE scale).

Friday, February 28, 2020

On the Concept 2:
12 rounds:
250m row
1 minute rest

Total Time: 11:40.7
Average Pace: 1:56.7

Notes: Struggled to settle into a workout - started and stopped multiple times (~2200m in total) before settling on this effort. Held each round at 1:57/500 pace. These need to be faster (sub-1:55). 
In as few sets as possible:
100 Bench Press @ 135lbs
*Row 500m every time you rack the barbell

Notes: Kept rows under 2:00 and held a 28 rate throughout. It took 6 sets to complete the 100 reps on the bench.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

On the Concept 2:
2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 3 min, 2 min pyramid / 2 min easy
Pre-set the monitor for 23 minutes. Row five intervals in a pyramid of 2-3-4-3-2 minutes, with two minutes of rest in between each piece.

Compare to 190902 and 181128

Notes: Messed up the setup of the monitor and programmed 2-3-3-2-1 instead. Instead of the 1 minute interval, I rowed a single 4 minute piece.

Body Armor
3 Sets:
30 banded pull-aparts
30 banded push downs
2 minutes
3 minutes
3 minutes
2 minutes
4 minutes
Total: 14 minutes
Total: 3480m

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Practice SLIPS for 20 minutes.

Push Jerk
7 Rounds
3 Reps

Post loads to comments. | Compare to 180726.


Monday, February 24, 2020

10 rounds
1 minute of rowing
Rest 15 seconds
30 seconds of evil wheels
Rest 15 seconds

Post total meters and number of evil wheels completed.

2586m & 93 evil wheels

Notes: Damper was set to 3.5 (108 drag) -- each round was 250+ meters and 8 or more evil wheels.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

As The Flywheel Spins Podcast 

Notes: Changing the Damper is like changing the environment in which we work.  Join us to experience the incredible variety we can find by adjusting the amount of air allowed to impact the flywheel. You may be surprised at where you feel most comfortable.

3 Min Interval
1 Min @20, 1 Min @24, 1 Min @28
 30 Sec REST
 *Each interval change damper as follows: 3, 7, 1, 9 & 5

Average Pace

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Tuesday 130625
Five rounds for time of:
5 deadlifts (255)
25 straight leg sit-ups


Notes: The sit-ups were broken early and often thanks to all of the GHDs from yesterday. Next time out try this as written (275lbs and anchored feet sit-ups) and try to go sub-10 minutes.
10 rounds of...
10 air squats
10 kb push press @ 26lbs 

Notes: Took this one from Dave Castro's Instagram. Not much detail provided, although the picture showed two Rogue KB's with the blue handles. 


Friday, February 21, 2020

Saturday 140125
For time:
Row 500 meters
50 GHD Sit-ups
Row 1,000 meters
30 GHD Sit-ups
Row 2,000 meters
20 GHD Sit-ups


Notes: The difference between a 1:50/500 or 2:00/500 pace is only :10 seconds, but the first will destroy you and the second one won't. Those seconds will be lost in the subsequent transition to the GHD almost immediately, slowing down the GHDs too much. Hit the 500 at a 2:00 pace, the 1000 at 2:02 and the 2000 at 2:04. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

4 Rounds
Row 500m
Bike 1000m

Notes: Tried to keep the rows below 1:55 and the bike below 1:30. Hit that target for all rounds. Set damper at 5 and 125 drag. 

5 Sets for QUALITY:
5-second hollow hold
5 v-ups
5 toe touches
5 tuck crunches
5-second hollow hold
*goal is to finish this as one 'complex' without the heels touching the ground.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Row Conditioning
Warm-up by gradually building power (1 minute rest between each)
1 Minute @22
1 Minute @22
1 Minute @29
1 Minute @32

Notes: Use this workout to practice recovery into an intense effort (open stroke rate). I traded faster rates for power here, my goal was to keep everything at or under 2:00/500m pace.

Body Armor
3 Giant Sets:
16 front foot elevated lunges (hold 45lb plate behind head)
:30 second kb hollow hold (15lb KB)
Rest 2 minutes between sets

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Row Conditioning
@1K goal pace and rate

3 Rounds
300m row
30 ground to overhead (25# plate)
30 overhead lunge (25# plate)

Notes: The row was designed to be a pacing session for 1000m test to be completed during Virtual Indoor Sprints Mar 4-8. I set the pace boat to 1:48 which is my 1000m PR. Gave into the pain and quit halfway through the 500 😣. Just like the row, the metcon felt uncomfortable (hard breathing and heavy legs) but I did my best to push through. This should take 15-18 minutes, but took me about 24 minutes. 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Rowing Annie
500-400-300-200-100m row
50-40-30-20-10 straight leg situps

17:28  (DF 119)

Row (Distance)
Row (Time)

Friday, February 14, 2020

Bench Press 8-8-8-8-8 

**500m Time Trial**

This is a huge PR!! Only half a second off my goal of 1:37.5! Kept the rate sky high and went full send here. This is where the drag needs to be for a sprint. Average WATTS were 373! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Bike 10,000 meters

Notes: This was designed to be a recovery ride after all the leg work during yesterday’s class and today’s squats. Watched The Office on my phone while riding before picking up the pace with about 2000 meters remaining.

3 rounds for time:
13 back squats (155/105)
500m row

Notes: Bar must be taken from the ground. Focus on a smooth clean, a short drive, and consistent re-bend to absorb the load. Goal time is 7 to 11 minutes. Scaled to 135lb and held 2:00/500m pace.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Gymnastics Conditioning
5 sets of:
5-4-3-2-1 unbroken strict HSPU

rest 1:1

So you'll do 5 unbroken handstand pushups and kick down. Do 4 as soon as you feel ready, all the way down to 1. You have to come off the wall in between sets. After you are done with 1, you rest for as long as 5-1 took you, then do it all over again.

All sets were complete at or around 3:30, with the later two sets closer to 4:00.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Row Conditioning
On the 0:00...15/12 calorie row
On the 1:00...15/12 calorie row
On the 2:00...15/12 calorie row
On the 3:00...25/18 calorie row
On the 5:00...25/18 calorie row
On the 7:00...25/18 calorie row
On the 9:00...15/12 calorie row
On the 10:00...15/12 calorie row
On the 11:00...15/12 calorie row

Notes: Scaled to 13 & 22 calories. Should have just done mens RX calories as I was able to finish each of the 13s in about :40 seconds and the 22s in 72 seconds. The workout was written with a 1:00 rest after the first group of 15s and again after the 25s - I didn't pay attention to this and did not take rest.

Time: 7:36.8
Distance: 2007m
Row Conditioning 
40 seconds on
20 seconds off
x 10 rounds

Notes: If ten rounds is not enough, you are not going hard enough. My goal was to keep each round at 1:50 or below pace. Felt terrible this morning and could not push myself to maintain that pace.

Average: 1:50.1 (1816m)
Fastest: 1:46.9 (1st)
Slowest: 1:52.3 (6th)

Row Conditioning
2 mins MAX meters (501)
1 mins REST
2 mins MAX meters (504)

Friday, February 7, 2020

Complete 10 rounds:
3 DB Snatches @ 70lbs
10 Evil Wheels

Notes: Alternate arms with each round.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Row Series III - Event I
"The Widowmaker"

Row 650m, rest 30 seconds
Row 650m, rest 90 seconds
Row 650m, rest 30 seconds
Row 650m, rest 90 seconds
Row 650m, rest 30 seconds
Row 650m, done!

A) Slowest 650m time: 2:36.8 (2:00.6/500m)
B) Fastest 650m time: 2:34.5 (1:58.8/500m)

Damper @ 5.5; DF=106 (JVILLE cardio room)
Crossfit | Thursday 200206
Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps


Notes: Bar must be taken from the ground. This was a PR for a heavy single, much less 3 reps.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Buy-In: 1000m row (3:53.7)

In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
1 minute of jump rope
1 minute of straight leg sit-ups
2 minutes of jump rope
2 minutes of straight leg sit-ups
3 minutes of jump rope
3 minutes of straight leg sit-ups

Score: Total number of sit-ups. Goal is 100+

R1: 21
R2: 36
R3: 49
Total: 106

Cash-Out: 1000m row (3:54.5)

1000m row done as a rate ladder, as follows:
500m @ r26
250m @ r28
250m @ r30
3 Rounds:
7 dumbbell bench press
5 strict L pull-ups
Row 1,000m for time

Post total dumbbell load as a percentage of body weight, and post row time.

Notes: Subbed :30 hanging l-sit for pull-ups. This couplet should be done for quality, rather than for speed. Pace as needed to allow for this stimulus. Did not keep accurate time (started timer when I first hopped up for l-sits) but finished the three rounds in about 10 minutes. The l-sits were tough, broke at the halfway mark each round.

Bench Press: 75lb DB (60%)
1000m Row: 3:48.0

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Row Conditioning
3 Rounds
30 calorie row
*90 seconds rest after third round*
3 Rounds
30 calorie row

Notes: I paced this too much, should aim to complete in about 90 seconds (1:50/500m pace)

Reverse GHD Annie
10-20-30-40-50 reps for time:
ghd situps
double unders (speed rope)
*If doing singles, double the volume


Notes: This was done on the Rogue GHD, unlike other previous efforts with physio ball and smith machine. I messed up the reps on the jump rope - where I should have done double the singles, I did 90, 120 and 150 for the later three rounds. This obviously impacted the total time.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Crossfit 190610
Deadlift 15-12-9-6-3 reps

Notes: We want the heaviest loads you can handle with good mechanics on each of the different sets, and we want them unbroken. Remember Rippetoe's advice: "don't be pigheaded". If your spine starts rounding in the middle of a lift, drop that bar! Deload a little and try again. 

My intent was to enjoy the 60-degree FEB day and not push too hard here. Opened with the set of 15 as my warm-up set. Need to be smarter about warming up my deadlift. According to the notes below, I should have opened around 200lbs. 




7 deadlifts with an empty barbell, 2-sec pause at the knees in the ascent

3 sets:
Set 1: 10 deadlifts, 2-sec pause at the floor between reps (@ 40% of 1RM)
Sets 2 & 3: 5 reps adding about 10 percent each set
> First working set should be challenging (roughly 60% of 1RM)
A: Row Conditioning
Four Rounds of Increasing Power (8 minutes continuous work)

1min @ 22/1min @ 24
1min @ 22/1min @ 26
1min @ 22/1min @ 28
1min @ 22/1min @ 30

Notes: This is just a chunk of a larger WOD (the warmup for workout 27 - dingo power). The 22 s/m are done at an easy to moderate pace and when stroke rate increases so does the intensity. A great piece to work on controlling stroke rate and pace. After yesterday's longer piece, I just wanted to get in some light rowing. 

Total Distance: 1938m
Average Pace: 2:03.8 (total); 2:07.1 (@ 22s/m); 2:01.7 (@ varied rates)

B: Bench Press 5-5-5-5-1-1
Notes: Two part on the bench - your initial 4 sets of 5, and the 2 singles at the end. Try your best to use the 5-5-5-5 as a warm-up for an immediate jump to the singles. Shoulders and biceps were very sore from yesterday's big pull. From the start, the weight felt heavy. Not surprised to fail the 260 bar. 


Sunday, February 2, 2020

3X 8:00*
Rest 3:30
*8:00 As Follows
3:00 @ 20 s/m
1:00 @ 28 s/m
3:00 @ 20 s/m
1:00 @ 28 s/m

2K PB Pace +16-18 Seconds @ 20 s/m
2K PB Pace +2-3 Seconds @ 28 s/m

Notes: Using the concept 2, complete continuous, 8-minute reps with rate changes along the way. My pacing was a little too fast for the 3 minute rate 20 pieces - need to spend more time practicing low rate work hitting target paces.