Friday, July 6, 2018

1) “2015 Regional Event #4″. For time:
-250ft handstand walk
2) “2015 Regional Event #5″ Snatch: 10 rounds – Every 90 second, complete:
-1x snatch (Work up to a max for the day)

A: Subbed Max Reps HS Shoulder Taps in 3:00 minutes -- 81 Reps
B: 155lbs was best lift

Notes: The count for the HS shoulder taps was not where I hoped. Shoudlers were fried after yesterday's push press workout. I was taking too long of a break between each effort -- sets of 36, 28 & 17. This was the first time doing anything heavy with a barbell in a couple of weeks. My back felt pretty good throughout and I was hitting these lifts with relative ease. Very happy with today's effort.

Cash Out: 10 minutes double under drills.

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