Friday, May 31, 2019

5 Rounds
12 calories assault bike
12 slam balls
12 db snatch (50)
12 abmat situps
"Holleyman" - Pack Scaling

20 rounds for time of:
5 wall ball shots, 15 pound ball
3 handstand push-ups
175 pound power clean, 1 rep

Notes: My intent was to do 30 rounds, but the gym was so humid I was having to go to the towel after almost every round and couldn't get my breath. This would have been better done outside at No Excuses with slam balls instead of wall balls. Did not keep time -- my guess is this was somewhere around 30 minutes for the 20 rounds though.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

20-18-16-14-12-10 reps


1. Use the same load for each set.
2. Rest 60 seconds between sets.
3. Focus on keeping the stomach "sucked in" throughout the movement.
4. Be brave, and go as heavy as the rep scheme will allow.

Was able to get through each set with minimal trouble. I have done this workout twice @ 135 and twice now @ 155. Scale up next time out.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 right arm kb snatches (44)
5 left arm kb snatches (44)
50 singles with heavy rope

8 rounds + 1 snatch

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

3 Rounds
21 Bench Press (135)
50 Sit-ups*
*1st 25 reps holding 10lb plate overhead, 2nd 25 unweighted

Accessory Work
3X20 KB Bicep Curls (15lbs)
3X15 Back Extensions

Monday, May 27, 2019

For Time:
500m Rogue Sandbag Carry (100lbs)
*If ball is dropped or placed below knees, do 20 air squats.

Notes: Workout at Penn's Grove track. Broke after 100m each time I had the sandbag. Total of 80 penalty squats.


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Aerobic Capacity
Not For Time:
150 Calorie Assault Bike

Males - 5 x 15 Calories Slow, 15 Calories Fast

Notes: Tried to hold each of the fast rounds above 75RPM, max was 84RPM and 739 WATTS

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Dubai Championship 2018 Event 8 
20 meter sandbag carry
12 burpee box jumps (20" box)
30 calories assault bike
12 burpee box jumps (20" box)
20 meter sandbag carry
Time Cap: 7 minutes 


Notes: This workout comes down to how much you are willing to push on the bike. I can complete the 30 calories in under 2 minutes but what shape does that leave me for the burpees to follow. Goal should be to keep above 65 RPM for the entire ride.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Tempo Back Squat
7 sets of 1 Tempo Squat
*7s down, 3s pause in the bottom


Notes: Wasn't sure how this would feel so erred on the lighter side.

Squat Therapy
2 sets of :45s back squat hold (135/95)

Notes: As written was between 30-60s; used women's RX weight. This was not too difficult - next time out try to hold with the 135lb bar.

The Joker
1-10 Toes to Bar
10-1 Deadlifts (225/155)

Notes: Subbed hanging knee raises for toes to bar and used women's RX weight. All sets and reps were unbroken as scaled. This is a workout that can and should be done RX'd. There is no straight pullup bar in weight room at Jennersville so it is difficult to do T2B, but HKR did not provide enough of a challenge.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Clean & Jerk

Used 95lb barbell across all sets. Focus was on barbell cycling and speed rather than heavy weight.

4 Rounds
25 GHD situ-ups
25 back extensions

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Odd Object Conditioning
7 Rounds For Time:
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike
3 D-Ball Cleans (100)
Rest :30 Seconds

Notes: Tried to keep 70+ RPM for each round. The d-ball kicked my butt -- I have not used this for a while and it showed.
Hang power snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps


Notes: First attempt at 155 was really sloppy, had to press out at the end. Second attempt was clean and matches a PR. Even though this is power snatch, I need to work on dropping a little lower when receiving the bar.

5 rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45-lb barbell)
1 minute rest 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Notes: Attempt to maintain goal pace across both higher and lower stroke rates.

Distance: 2808 meters
Pace: 1:57.5 / 500m

This should be target pace with +/- 1 second. Only 3 of the intervals fell within the standard range, with 5 above range and 3 below. The 3 rounds below range were all on low damper, higher stroke rate efforts. Need to get better at generating the same power even at a lower stroke rate.

Bench Press3-3-3-3-3-3
5X12+0:10 Hollow Rocks + Hollow Hold 
5-second hollow hold, 5 v-ups, 5 toe touches, 5 tuck crunches, 5-second hollow hold
*goal is to finish this as one 'complex' without the heels touching the ground.

5X12+0:10 Hollow Rocks + Hollow Hold 
5-second hollow hold, 5 v-ups, 5 toe touches, 5 tuck crunches, 5-second hollow hold
*goal is to finish this as one 'complex' without the heels touching the ground.

Monday, May 20, 2019

For Time: SkiErg
First 800 @ 80% (2:10/500)
Last 200 @ ‘max’ effort (1:55/500)
2 minute rest between Rounds

Notes: Had the damper set too high for the first round, which left me completely smoked. Besides that, some guy was talking to me during my rest periods which contributed to extended rest. Ended up being more like 5 minutes between sets.


Sunday, May 19, 2019

Tuesday 180612
Intermediate Option
7 2-minute rounds of:
16-cal. row
Max rep GHD sit-ups, to parallel

18-14-15-11-13-10-19 = 100 GHD situps

Notes: Held about 1250-1300 cals per round. This worked out to about :45 seconds and 210m per round (1:47/500m). The damper was set at 10 (192 drag!) from prior user and I didn't realize until I was into the 3rd round.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1 reps

5 x 255
3 x 275, 299
1 x 309, 319, 319
Notes: Used the deadlift session from Feb 24 as a guideline for loading.Workout at No Excuses -- my lower body was smoked from all of the lunges yesterday, so I wanted to keep this at about 90% of max effort.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday 130830
10 rounds with a 2 minute rest in between, of any (or any combination) of:
Swim 100 meters
Run 400 meters
Row 500 meters
Bike 1000 meters

Notes: I chose to ride my Trek around the track at the middle school.
Wednesday 110831
Eight rounds for max reps of:
75 pound Push press, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Jumping alternating lunge, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds

Notes: Scaled to 65# barbell for the push press due to all of the pressing done yesterday. Wore my Rehband sleeves which made a huge difference in the jumping lunges.

108 push press (65lbs) + 110 lunge

Thursday, May 16, 2019

"Bar Star" Part #1
AMRAP 7 - Max Overhead Squats
First 50 Reps - 115/85
Second 50 Reps - 135/95
Time Remaining - 155/105

Rest 3:00

"Bar Star" Part #2
AMRAP 7 - Max Bench Presses
First 50 Reps - 135/95
Second 50 Reps - 155/105
Time Remaining - 185/125

Rest 3:00

"Bar Star" Part #3
AMRAP 7 - Max Deadlifts
First 50 Reps - 185/135
Second 50 Reps - 225/155
Time Remaining - 275/185

OHS: 64 Reps
Bench: 83 Reps
Deadlifts: 63 Reps

Notes: Used women's RX weights. My grip was smoked for the deadlifts from all the snatches yesterday, the 135lb bar felt like a spiked bat in my hands. I couldn't string together more than 10 reps at a time. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Row Conditioning
The goal is equal splits for all 15 intervals
DF = 119

Total Time: 11:33.3
Distance: 3000 meters
Pace Per 500: 1:55.5
A: Every :30 seconds for 10 minutes:
(1) Power Snatch @ 165lbs

Note: This workout comes courtesy of Outlaw Crossfit. To complete this workout as Rx, you must complete all 20 reps @ 165lbs. If you cannot do 165lbs for the entire workout, scale accordingly. Your score is the weight that is on the bar when you finish. If you take off weight, you can not add weight back on.

Finished all (20) reps @ 135lb with no misses.

B: Clean and Jerk 5-3-3-1-1-1 reps
5s: 135
3s: 155-175
1s: 185-195-205(f)

Monday, May 13, 2019

3 Rounds
30 G2OH, 25-lb plate
15 GHD situps
15 Step-ups, 24-inch box
30 Calories, Concept 2

Notes: All reps within each set were unbroken. Took about a minute rest between each set. Scale up on the G2OH next time out. Row was approx. 1:30 and 415m each round.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

30 snatches for time


Notes: This is a GREAT time! Sub 2:00 was a goal for a long time and this is a :12 second PR for Isabel. Finished in just 3 sets -- 12, 8 & 10 reps to get in under two minutes.

Body Armor
3 Giant Sets:
10 Single Leg Lateral Box Step-Ups (5/each)
200m Single Kettlebell Farmers Carry
30 Weighted AbMat Sit-Ups
Rest 2:00 between sets.

Notes: Used 24-inch box for the steps-ups, 35-lb KB for the farmers carry and 10-lb plate for the situps. Wanted to use a weight I could go unbroken on the farmers carry. Carried KB in right hand for rounds 1&3 and left hand for round 2.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Friday, May 10, 2019

A: Row'd Royalty 19.1

Workout: Row 8 intervals of 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of rest.
Score: Total Meters Rowed for all 8 intervals.

Finished with 1159m
Best split: 1:42.0
Worst split: 1:44.8
30 KB snatches (44lb)

DB Bench Press
5 sets of 10 reps

Notes: Used 60s for 1st set of bench, switched to 70s for remaining sets. Handstand work felt pretty good -- better than it has in a while. Broke up the 30 as follows -- 10-5-9-6 reps. Did not push the pace because of my wrist, there was still pain, but was lessened by smart hand placement (facing out at an angle).

Thursday, May 9, 2019

CrossFit Total
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Notes: Wanted to run through this same as at The Games. Warmed up each lift to just below what I thought I’d open with. Set a running clock for 12 minutes, allowing 4 minutes to get 3 attempts at each lift.
Back Squat: 325lbs
Shoulder Press: 180lbs
Deadlift: 315lbs
Total: 820lbs

Failed 3rd deadlift attempt @ 335lbs.

For Time:
400m Farmer's Carry

Notes: Challenge yourself to walk 400 meters carrying 44-lb. kettlebells. If not, how far can you go before setting them down? Walked on elevated track above the weight room -- set the weight down 3 times.


Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Power Clean 5-3-3-1-1-1 reps
5X12+0:10 Hollow Rocks + Hollow Hold 
*hold 10lb plate overhead

Practice front and back scales for 10 minutes
*stood on black bar used for calf raises for added difficulty
*work to complete in :15 second increments.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Ten rounds, each for time of:
100 meter Sprint
Rest 90 seconds

Notes: Ran on Assault Air Runner for this workout. I set the clock for :30 on / :90 rest for all 10 intervals. 
For time:
21 bench press
42 weighted sit-ups
15 bench press
30 weighted sit-ups
09 bench press
18 weighted sit-ups

Bench: 155 lb.
Situps: 10 lb.

Notes: Held 10lb plate overhead - standard for situps is plate must touch ground above head at bottom of rep and floor in front of feet at top of rep. Broke up the bench press but rested no more than :15 before getting back on the bar.

Accessory Work
5 rounds
30 sec. dead hang from pull-up bar (arms extended)
1 min rest  
From Monday: 
10,000 meter bike - 16:47

Bike 10,000 meters


Wanted to push the bike a bit. I averaged 58rpm with a sprint to the finish. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Tuesday 180130 
Mainsite WOD
7 rounds for time of:
14 dumbbell deadlifts
14 alternating dumbbell shoulder presses

Men: 50-lb. dumbbells
Women: 35-lb. dumbbells

Notes: This should fatigue the shoulders and test you mentally to hang on to the KB. The shoulder to overhead is definitely going to be a limiting factor. Pick a weight you can do UB on the first round and remember this is a long workout and not a sprint. Pick a pace and try to maintain for all rounds.

7:25 (35-pound kettlebell)

2016 Regional Event 4
4 rounds for time of:
20 one-legged squats, assisted
15 power cleans (85-pounds)


Thursday, May 2, 2019

Recovery Bike
Attempt to maintain the long-duration, monostructural-only stimulus

Assault bike 200 cals
Strict Handstand Pushups
1 Attempt for Max Reps
Checking in to see where we are with the wrist

13 reps

Notes: Did not feel stable -- there is still noticable discomfort when inverted. I probably could have forced a few additional reps, but did not want to risk further aggravating my wrist.

24-20-16 reps of:
KB snatch (44)
KB box step-ups (24)
sandbag squat (25)

Notes: For the lunges, I used a 26-lb KB and stepped up to a 24-inch box. Used Open 19.3 standards for the step-ups.