Friday, May 24, 2019

Tempo Back Squat
7 sets of 1 Tempo Squat
*7s down, 3s pause in the bottom


Notes: Wasn't sure how this would feel so erred on the lighter side.

Squat Therapy
2 sets of :45s back squat hold (135/95)

Notes: As written was between 30-60s; used women's RX weight. This was not too difficult - next time out try to hold with the 135lb bar.

The Joker
1-10 Toes to Bar
10-1 Deadlifts (225/155)

Notes: Subbed hanging knee raises for toes to bar and used women's RX weight. All sets and reps were unbroken as scaled. This is a workout that can and should be done RX'd. There is no straight pullup bar in weight room at Jennersville so it is difficult to do T2B, but HKR did not provide enough of a challenge.

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