Thursday, May 9, 2019

CrossFit Total
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Notes: Wanted to run through this same as at The Games. Warmed up each lift to just below what I thought I’d open with. Set a running clock for 12 minutes, allowing 4 minutes to get 3 attempts at each lift.
Back Squat: 325lbs
Shoulder Press: 180lbs
Deadlift: 315lbs
Total: 820lbs

Failed 3rd deadlift attempt @ 335lbs.

For Time:
400m Farmer's Carry

Notes: Challenge yourself to walk 400 meters carrying 44-lb. kettlebells. If not, how far can you go before setting them down? Walked on elevated track above the weight room -- set the weight down 3 times.


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