Thursday, May 16, 2019

"Bar Star" Part #1
AMRAP 7 - Max Overhead Squats
First 50 Reps - 115/85
Second 50 Reps - 135/95
Time Remaining - 155/105

Rest 3:00

"Bar Star" Part #2
AMRAP 7 - Max Bench Presses
First 50 Reps - 135/95
Second 50 Reps - 155/105
Time Remaining - 185/125

Rest 3:00

"Bar Star" Part #3
AMRAP 7 - Max Deadlifts
First 50 Reps - 185/135
Second 50 Reps - 225/155
Time Remaining - 275/185

OHS: 64 Reps
Bench: 83 Reps
Deadlifts: 63 Reps

Notes: Used women's RX weights. My grip was smoked for the deadlifts from all the snatches yesterday, the 135lb bar felt like a spiked bat in my hands. I couldn't string together more than 10 reps at a time. 

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