Thursday, June 30, 2022

5min  EMOM of:
2 Assisted Pull-ups
6 S Arm KB Row

Switch arms after 3 reps. Used 53lb KB and set the pins to 40lbs for the pull-ups.

4 Rounds of:
27 Calorie Row
9 Calorie Ski
21 Air Squats
2min Rest

Pulled around 925 cals/hr on the RowErg and 1136 cals/hr on the SkiErg. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Row 2100m
Rest as needed (max 10 minutes)
Row 1500m
Rest as needed
Row 900m Score

A) Total elapsed time including rest score
B) Time it took to row 2nd interval (1500m)

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3

Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5* (scaled to singles)

I wanted to go up in weight with each subsequent lift. It's been a while since I went real heavy on the jerk for multiple reps and I was only able to get 3 reps at the opening weight of 200 so I decided to drop the reps and go for a heavy single instead. Stop being lazy about warming up -- for overhead movements, spend five minutes smashing/rolling out lats, stretching wrists or with a lacrosse ball in your upper back. Stop throwing away that five minutes right before you start each piece and get the most out of your training day.

Monday, June 27, 2022

3x17:00 work // 3:00 rest
🎯 10k goal pace (2:15/500m)
DF 115

All 3 rounds should be at a mostly comfortable - but slightly uncomfortable pace. Actually found this pace may not be sustainable over 10,000 meters. That could be because it was so muggy in the garage and I was gassed by the middle of the second round. The rest periods aren't meant as full rest or recovery windows. Keep your body moving by walking around. No sitting down during those rest intervals.

Score: Total Distance (10,941m)

Friday, June 24, 2022

2 Rounds
5 Minute (Hard) Row
3 Minute (Easy) Row
Rest 1 Minute
4 Minute (Hard) Row
2 Minute (Easy) Row
Rest 1 Minute
3 Minute (Hard) Row
1 Minute (Easy) Row
Rest 1 Minute
2 Minute (Hard) Row
30 Second (Easy) Row
Rest 1 Minute
No Additional Rest Between Rounds

Tried to hold the hard rounds around 2:09 and not fall off too much during the easy intervals. There was a 12 meter difference between the hard intervals in rounds 1&2 - most of the difference was in the easy meters. This was sneaky long and a great way to accumulate some meters. Great way to end the week!

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Row Conditioning 
4x 4:00//2:30r
🎯 2K plus 8, staying consistent
Rate: Open
DF 114

This was done about 10 minutes after the deadlift/step-up metcon. Was thinking about my low back and kept the first three rounds slow by default but decided to push to meet the goal on the final round. Put in a proper warmup so that you feel comfortable going for it right from the start rather than using the workout to warmup.
Crossfit | 220623 
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 deadlifts
10 weighted box step-ups

Used 225-pounds for the deadlifts and a 20-pound med ball and a 20-inch box for the step-ups. I was foolish and didn't warm up my deadlift and felt a little tweak during the fifth round. Decided to call it after five rounds (about 7 minutes in). Choose a weight that you can confidently do 5-10 reps every time (think 205-pounds next time out). Goal should be 8-10 rounds. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

A: Bench Press


My arms were still pretty smoked from yesterday's half-marathon row. The first two bars went up easy, but at 215 I knew I didn't have it and decided to call it after five reps. Dropped the weight back to 185 for the last bar and hit all 8 reps. 

B: Accessory Work
5 Rounds of:
1 minute overhead hold (45-lb barbell)
1 minute rest

C: Handstand Pushups
Attempt a max set within 5 minutes of completing accessory work

13 reps

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Half-Marathon Row 
🎯 1 hour 45 minutes 
⏲️ rate 20

Chose the half-marathon option for the Summer Solstice Challenge. My goal was to simply finish and get a baseline for how long it takes to do and how I felt throughout. My pace and rate were both a bit too conservative but still extremely proud to have finished under my goal time of 1:45.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Recovery + Midline 
15:00 Echo Bike
On the 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 and 12:00: 15 abmat butterfly sit-ups

Didn't want to do anything too stressful with the half-marathon row scheduled for tomorrow morning. Kept the RPMs in the low-60s for most of the ride. 

Sunday, June 19, 2022

1000 Meter (Easy) Row
Rest 1 Minute
1000 Meter (Very Hard) Row
Rest 2 Minutes
1000 Meter (Easy) Row
Rest 1 Minute
750 Meter (Very Hard) Row
Rest 2 Minutes
1000 Meter (Easy) Row
Rest 1 Minute
500 Meter (Very Hard) Row
Rest 2 Minutes
1000 Meter (Easy) Row
Rest 1 Minute
250 Meter (Very Hard) Row

Held the 1K repeats at a conversational pace, finishing around 5 minutes each time. Bumped up the drag to 131 for the VH efforts. My goal was to keep everything under 2:00/500m pace and to also get faster with each round.

Friday, June 17, 2022

On the Concept 2: 
2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 5 min, 4 min, 3 min, 2 min pyramid / 2 min easy

Pre-set the monitor for 35 minutes. Row seven intervals in a pyramid of 2-3-4-5-4-3-2 minutes, with two minutes of rest in between each piece.

Messed up the setup of the monitor and did not input the first four-minute interval.  With the two minutes of rest between, I wanted to push myself a bit here and keep a moderate-to-hard pace each interval. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Row Intervals
20x 1:00 work//:30 rest
Rate: 26
Pace: Open
DF 121

Continue to paddle lightly during the rest periods so that you are moving for the whole 30 minutes. Kept the pace moderate with a goal of getting faster each interval. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

7 Rounds: 
Max Rep HSPU
15 Hollow Rocks

Fewest HSPU: 9
Most HSPU: 10
Total HSPU: 67

Rest as needed between efforts.

Obviously a lower total than I have put up in the past, but I also have not done high rep sets of HSPU in some time. Came in with a goal of 70 reps but I was too conservative in the early sets, cautious of hitting the wall too early and having nothing left for the later rounds. ALWAYS press fast. The only time you should press slow out of the bottom is when you are trying to grind out 1 or 2 last reps. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

20 Minute Chill Recovery Row 
Time: 20 minutes
Rate: 18
Pace: Recovery

Wanted something low and slow to help unlock my back after the sled drags this morning. Followed along to this DH vid while holding a 2:26/500m pace. 
7 Rounds 
100 Meter Sled Pull
100 Meter Backward Sled Pull
Rest 1 Minute between Rounds

Added a 45 and 25-pound plate to the sled which is 87-pounds empty (157-pounds total). Down the hall and back at the Y was 100m. That backwards walk though...🔥🔥 Each round was about 3-3.5 minutes.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Crossfit | Sunday 220424 
Overhead squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Row 2,000 m

OHS: 95|105|115|125|135|145|155|165(f)|165
2000m Row: 8:18.6

Been a while since I attempted any heavy overhead squats. Gave this a good warmup and attempted to work up to around 80% of my previous 1RM. Secondary goal was to take the bar from the ground each rep. Best lift was 165-pounds. Missed my first attempt because I did not get to parallel, but overall felt good with this effort - let's see how my knees feel in the morning 🤞. For the row, I started at 2K plus 10 and tried to get faster within each 500m block. 

Friday, June 10, 2022

3 Rounds For Time
1000m row 
50 banded good mornings (red mini-band)
50 straight leg sit-ups

This is a play on the classic Michael workout. I had no push in my legs after yesterday and kept each row pretty chill. This is a lot of volume for both the good mornings and the sit-ups so be smart about when you break. 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Each block is two rounds alternating between very hard and comfortable pacing. You'll rest 15 seconds between each. Once you have completed the second "comfortable" round, rest for a minute. Complete the following distances in order:

Can you match the pace you put out at the beginning of the workout when you hit the same interval at the end? This was one of the toughest Endurance pieces to date. The plan was to go HAM on the VH hard rows and just hold on to what I can for the "comfortable" rounds. I used my 2K pace as a target, with the focus on getting comfortable at race pace. This is not only to get comfortable with how the race will begin but also to build capacity to maintain this pace.

Score: Avg 500m VH 1:56.3
Score: Avg 375m VH 1:26.9
Score: Avg 250m VH 0:57.8

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Row Conditioning 
Time: 20 minutes
-> 2 x 10 minute segments
No rest between, set monitor to single time (20:00) with 10:00 splits. 
🎯 r18 for 1st 10:00 and r22 for last 10:00
DF 116

The focus today is not on intensity, rather to find a flow and practice hanging out at a lower stroke rate. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes
5 deadlifts
5 shoulder press

Use one bar, same weight (135lbs across all sets). Use double overhand grip on the bar so you're able to go right from the deadlifts into presses. 

8 rounds for time: 
15 shoulder to overhead @ 85lbs
21 calorie row
1 minute rest


This was BRUTAL after all of the pressing the last two days. The time to complete the 21 cals and the rest periods grew longer with each passing round. Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. 

Monday, June 6, 2022

Bench Press
75% x 5 (205)
85% x 3 (225)
95% x 1+ (255x2)

Every 5 Minutes x 5 Rounds
12 bench press @ 135-pounds
9 power snatch @ 95-pounds
6 sandbag step-ups @ 55-pounds & 20-inch box

The bench reps all felt good - was a little slow on the second rep @ 255, but otherwise everything went up pretty easily. Kept each round just under 3 minutes during the metcon, including the walk from the bar(s) to the box/sandbag in the cardio room.   

Sunday, June 5, 2022

3 Rounds
750 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 2 Minutes
500 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 90 Seconds
375 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 1 Minute
250 Meter (Moderate) Row
Rest 30 Seconds
500 Meter (Easy) Row

Held a low rate (20-21spm) and the intensity was on the easy-to-moderate side. Missed the start (first :20) on the final round moderate 500m and was forced to play catchup otherwise this whole piece was done as more of a recovery enjoying a beautiful 70-degree morning outside. 

Score: Total Time (Including Rest) 33:28

Friday, June 3, 2022

Work up to a heavy complex of:
3 Deadlifts
4 Hang Cleans
2 Jerks
Score: 165-pounds

5 Rounds of:
3:00 AMRAP of:
21 Calorie Row
15 DB Snatches @ 50#
2:00 Rest
Score: Total Reps 207 reps

I probably could have gone to the next barbell at 175, but wanted to have something left for the metcon. Used double overhand grip on the deadlift to be able to move right into the hang cleans. Subbed DB snatch for clean and jerks (135/95#) due to lack of space around the rower. Kept the pace a little conservative (~2:05) and was off the rower around 1:20-1:25 each round. My goal was to get back to the rower each round and get 5-6 additional calories each round. 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

April 2022 CTC - Rhythm Row 
Row 3 min @ 27 SPM
1 min Rest
3 min @ 30 SPM
1 min Rest
3 min @ 33 SPM
1 min Rest
3 min @ 30 SPM
1 min Rest
3 min 27 SPM

This was done after deadlifts. My goal was hitting the target stroke rates rather than a specific pace. Controlled, sub-max effort. DF 121 as always. 

Deadlift 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps 
*use double overhand grip with fat gripz
5s: 145, 155
3s: 165, 175, 185
1s: 195, 205, 205, 205(f)

I borrowed gripz from Kevin at the Y and used these for the sets of 5&3 before going out to the car to get my fat gripz - his were a smaller diameter around the outside which didn't present enough of a challenge. 

Finished with a grip challenge! 
3 sets
Max unbroken double overhand deadlifts
135lbs + @fatgripz 
Rest 1 minute between sets

I got 7, 8 and 7 reps respectively

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

DH 10-minute build (2165m)

Build to a fast&heavy single for hang power clean and jerk

Best lift was 190-pounds but the clean was dodgy at best, especially at the turnover. I was struggling with the barbell all morning - not sure why but this was certainly not my best effort. With that being said, the weight was able to go overhead quite easily on all lifts. 

Outlaw Connectivity
(3) x 0:20 Box Shoulder Stretch; immediately follow each set with (8) floor PVC shoulder raises.
(1) x 0:30 HS Shoulder Taps