Friday, June 3, 2022

Work up to a heavy complex of:
3 Deadlifts
4 Hang Cleans
2 Jerks
Score: 165-pounds

5 Rounds of:
3:00 AMRAP of:
21 Calorie Row
15 DB Snatches @ 50#
2:00 Rest
Score: Total Reps 207 reps

I probably could have gone to the next barbell at 175, but wanted to have something left for the metcon. Used double overhand grip on the deadlift to be able to move right into the hang cleans. Subbed DB snatch for clean and jerks (135/95#) due to lack of space around the rower. Kept the pace a little conservative (~2:05) and was off the rower around 1:20-1:25 each round. My goal was to get back to the rower each round and get 5-6 additional calories each round. 

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