Monday, June 13, 2022

Crossfit | Sunday 220424 
Overhead squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Row 2,000 m

OHS: 95|105|115|125|135|145|155|165(f)|165
2000m Row: 8:18.6

Been a while since I attempted any heavy overhead squats. Gave this a good warmup and attempted to work up to around 80% of my previous 1RM. Secondary goal was to take the bar from the ground each rep. Best lift was 165-pounds. Missed my first attempt because I did not get to parallel, but overall felt good with this effort - let's see how my knees feel in the morning 🤞. For the row, I started at 2K plus 10 and tried to get faster within each 500m block. 

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