Tuesday, March 7, 2023

On a 15 Minute Clock, Perform:
Barbell Power Snatch
-AND/OR- Barbell Power Clean & Jerk

Until you've lifted a total of 5000 lb for Men and 3500 lb for Women. If you haven't hit your target weight by 15:00, stop there. You can use any weight and any combination of movements to get the work done. You can power and/or squat both movements. It's OK (and likely) that you'll go over the 5000/3500 lb by a few pounds (it won't be exact).


Used a 75-pound barbell and approached this like I was doing Randy. Broke up the work into sets of 6. My Randy time is sub-6:00 so this was a good bit slower because I did not manage my rest periods. This was a bit tougher coming off the 50 handstand pushups yesterday as well. A good strategy here would be to complete 6 reps every 40 seconds.

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