Wednesday, January 30, 2019

A: 4 Rounds
1:00 wall-sit (hands on head)
10 single arm kb ohs (35) - alternate arms each round
:30 wall-sit with 25lb plate

Rest :90 between rounds

B: Power Clean + Handstand Push-ups
On the 90s x 5 Rounds:
33% of Max Handstand Push-ups
3-3-2-2-1: Power Cleans

Notes: Between 70-85% on the cleans. Last test of max unbroken handstand pushups was in 2017 and I did 20, but I found a workout from May 2018 with 21-15-9 back squats and handstand pushups in which all of the handstands were done unbroken, so I used that as basis for this effort. Each round was 7 handstand pushups with head to blue yoga block.

145-145-165-165-175lbs (based off 200lb 1RM)

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