Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Skill Work
-accumulate 3:00 in frog stand

Notes: This was done in 7-8 sets of 20-30 seconds each.

Row Conditioning
3X3 minutes row (500m pace + 15-20 seconds)
-rest 3 minutes between rows
-aim to decrease each 3 minute interval pace by 1-4 seconds
-use 500m PR pace of 1:44.7

Notes: Set pace boat for each round (2:02, 1:59 and 1:56). Actual pace was (2:01.9, 1:59.0 and 1:56.4)

3 rounds unbroken
10 sec hollow hold
10 hollow rocks
10 v-ups
-rest 30 secs between rounds

Notes: Did the midline work while stretching so rest periods exceeded 30 seconds

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