Friday, January 25, 2019

Row'd Royalty 18.4

1:00 on/3:00 off   (255m)
2:00 on/2:00 off   (501m)
3:00 on/1:00 off   (748m)
4:00 on/done        (997m)


A: Total meters of 1 min & 2 min (756m)
B: Total meters of 3 min & 4 min (1745m)

Notes: Used rower in cardio room at Jennersville Y. Damper was set at 7, but rower felt very loose. Checked the drag factor after the workout -- at this damper setting it was 91. That is awful!! Ideally would like to see between 110-125df. Checked the rower in the upstairs weight room and same damper setting had 112 drag factor. The cardio room rower should not be used anymore for these types of test efforts.

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