Tuesday, October 15, 2019

For time:
-“Grace”: 30x clean and jerk
*Goal for this is to be unbroken. Any break that you have, which will constitute your hands coming off the bar, immediately add 5 reps to the RX’d amount.

1:42 -- all reps unbroken using 75-pound bar

Midline (Posterior)
5 rounds 
1 minute on, 1 off
D-ball hold (100)

Notes: This was done at Brandywine Y, holding 40, 25,10 & 15lb sandbags together. 

Body Armor
3 Sets:
30 Banded Pull-Aparts
30 Banded Push Downs

Notes: Used red mini-band for both. BPU were one arm at a time -- 15 reps per arm, then switch. Balanced on BOSU ball for the banded pull-aparts. 

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