Wednesday, October 9, 2019

7 rounds for time of:
1 clean and jerk attempt
35 double-unders (subbed 75 heavy rope singles)

You have two scores.  The total amount of weight lifted and the total time it took for all 7 rounds.  If you miss an attempt, you can not try again.  The opportunity to lift that round is over.  So pick your weight wisely.  You can not change your weight once the clock has started.

A: 1155lbs (all 7 lifts @ 165 were successful)
B: 12:00

Notes: This is a SLOW time, even with the heavy rope. My arms were smoked and I had to break multiple sets on the clean and jerks. Each lift went up without any problem. Next time out try this at 175 or 180.

25 evil wheels
50 straight leg situps
25 evil wheels

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