Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Friday 180511

Reduce the static movements to something that can be done unbroken for at least the first round. The presses and pulls should be challenging. You may be able to complete them quickly in the early rounds, but they should be hard enough that they will need to be broken up in the later rounds.

Intermediate Option
4 rounds for time of:
45-second handstand hold
45-second static hang
15 KB shoulder presses
15 TRX rows

Notes: Used (2) 26-lb. KBs for presses. Was able to completed the holds and presses unbroken each round. The dead hang and TRX rows were broken at halfway point each round. I was conservative with the KB weight because of all the shoulder work done Monday, but I should have used 35s - at this weight the presses were not a challenge. Scaling notes suggests these should be hard enough that you will have to break in the later rounds.

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