Monday, January 20, 2020

A: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5

With an empty barbell, perform 5 reps of each:
Tempo back squat (3s down, 3s hold, 1s up)
1 1/4 back squat
Back squat

Build to first working weight by performing reps of 10-7-5

10 @ 135, 7 @ 185, 5 @ 225
5 @ 225, 5 @ 245, 5 @ 255, 5 @ 265 and 5 @ 275

B: Row Conditioning

These twelve minutes can be as painful as you want to make it. The rests get shorter and the stroke rates gets higher. Start smart because you want to see a step up in speed with the step up in spm.

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