Monday, January 27, 2020

Sunday 200126
5 rounds for time:
5 shoulder presses
10 push presses
15 push jerks
F: 65 M: 95


Notes: This is a type of workout where you can crash and burn if you move too quickly. Shooting for 12:00-15:00 will be the goal - reduce the reps/rounds to achieve this goal. Initially, I thought to do this with women's RX weights and keep the same rep scheme, but after reading the comments I stayed with men's RX weights and reduced rep count for each exercise.

Scaled as follows: Kept 95lb barbell and 5 rounds, but scaled reps to 4SP-8PP-12PJ. First round was unbroken in about :45 seconds, after that I broke following push presses each round.

Body Armor
3 Sets:
30 banded pull-aparts
30 banded push downs

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