Monday, January 13, 2020

Row Conditioning
3 sets of: 5x200m, :20 rest

Rest 2:00 between sets

Damper was set to 5 with calculated drag of 129. Very happy with these splits - goal was consistency and I was able to hold each split within a given set within a second of each other.. First set of 200 should be faster, although I did drop each round by a second (all :47's first set and :44-:45 during third set).

:47.1, :47.0, :47.3, :47.4 & :47.0

:46.4, :46.8, :46.4, :46.3 & :46.1

:45.0, :44.6, :45.2, :44.7 & :45.4

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