Friday, January 31, 2020

Thursday 200109
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:

250-m row
20 GHD sit-ups

Notes: The goal was to put yourself in a position where you can complete a round every two minutes. Choose a distance on the rower and number of GHDs you can complete in about 50 seconds -- row should be pretty fast but not all out. Scaled to 200m row and 16 ghds to parallel.

Finished 6 full rounds. Row was done in about :45 each round.

Single-Arm DB OHS:  5-5-5-5-5 reps 

Notes: I was able to snatch the DB from the ground pretty easily through 80lb - was more of a clean and jerk at 90 and 100lbs. The 100lb DB was not steady overhead and I bailed after two reps.

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