Saturday, August 18, 2018

Handstand Skill Work – Complex
4 Sets – but each round you add 2 reps to each:
·         4 handstand shoulder taps
·         4 handstand straight arm  hip taps
·         4 handstand push-ups
Round 2: 6 reps of each
Round 3: 8 reps of each
Round 4: 10 reps of each

Notes: Failed on the HSPU in round 4. Was only able to complete 8 HSPU in this round. Should have tried to muscle through this.

5 Sets for QUALITY:
5-second hollow hold
5 v-ups
5 toe touches
5 tuck crunches
5-second hollow hold
*goal is to finish this as one 'complex' without the heels touching the ground.
Cash Out:
3:00 D-Ball Hold (100)
Keep track of time and attempts to complete. The goal is to do this unbroken.  

Notes: Was able to do this unbroken

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