Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Strict Handstand Push-ups
19 Repetitions
Rest 1 Minute
16 Repetitions
Rest 1 Minute
13 Repetitions
Rest 1 Minute
10 Repetitions

2k Row
For Time:
2,000 Meter Row


Notes: Strategy was to break HSPU into two sets for each interval taking about a minute between each set and 'sub-set'.

The row was awful. A 2k time trial is in that horrible middle ground between a sprint and an endurance piece for a normal crossfitter. It’s a really long sprint. If you don’t want to give up 700m in, you’re obviously not going hard enough! From about 300m until 1300m you probably want to stop. The lactic acid is starting to build. You’re sweating. It sucks. But it’s ok. It’s not going to get any worse. Tell your brain to shut up and stop playing mind games. You got this shit! My low back and legs had nothing to give on the row, leaving my arms to do all the work. I gave in and stopped twice during the row.

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