Wednesday, January 30, 2019

A: 4 Rounds
1:00 wall-sit (hands on head)
10 single arm kb ohs (35) - alternate arms each round
:30 wall-sit with 25lb plate

Rest :90 between rounds

B: Power Clean + Handstand Push-ups
On the 90s x 5 Rounds:
33% of Max Handstand Push-ups
3-3-2-2-1: Power Cleans

Notes: Between 70-85% on the cleans. Last test of max unbroken handstand pushups was in 2017 and I did 20, but I found a workout from May 2018 with 21-15-9 back squats and handstand pushups in which all of the handstands were done unbroken, so I used that as basis for this effort. Each round was 7 handstand pushups with head to blue yoga block.

145-145-165-165-175lbs (based off 200lb 1RM)

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Evil Annie
50-40-30-20-10 reps of: 
Double Unders
Evil Wheels

Notes: Did singles with heavy rope at double the volume and evil wheels for situps at half the volume. I am desperate for a rest day (or two). This workout should be sub-10:00. Following the workout I spent half an hour doing full body stretching and mobility work.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019

Row'd Royalty 18.4

1:00 on/3:00 off   (255m)
2:00 on/2:00 off   (501m)
3:00 on/1:00 off   (748m)
4:00 on/done        (997m)


A: Total meters of 1 min & 2 min (756m)
B: Total meters of 3 min & 4 min (1745m)

Notes: Used rower in cardio room at Jennersville Y. Damper was set at 7, but rower felt very loose. Checked the drag factor after the workout -- at this damper setting it was 91. That is awful!! Ideally would like to see between 110-125df. Checked the rower in the upstairs weight room and same damper setting had 112 drag factor. The cardio room rower should not be used anymore for these types of test efforts.
Friday 190125
Clean and jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Notes: Pick loads that allow you to attempt to set a PR in later sets.


Compare to 181217.
Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push Jerk 1-1-1-1-1

Try to go up in weight with each rep. Rest as needed between reps.

SP: 115-135-155-175-185(f)
PP: 185-195-205-215-225(f)
PJ: Did not make any attempts

Notes: I was fried physically -- it has been 12 days since my last rest day. There was no push on the 185 or 225 bar so I called it quits after the push presses.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Bench Press (6x6)
Use a weight that is comfortable and can maintain good form


Notes: Failed the 225 set on last rep. Standard is that feet must remain in contact with the floor and glutes must remain in contact with the bench for the duration of the rep. Spotter was used for assistance and glutes came off the bench on last rep of the set.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Rowing Annie
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
calories, concept 2

Notes: Anchored feet for the sit-ups, but must touch floor behind head at bottom of rep. Damper was set at 7 for each row.

150 (totals)
3 rounds of:
7 dumbbell bench presses
5 strict L pull-ups

Row 1,000 m for time

Post total dumbbell load as a percentage of body weight, and post row time.

Notes: Subbed :20 hanging l-sit for pull-ups. This couplet should be done for quality, rather than for time. Truly go for quality rather than speed. Pace as needed to allow for this stimulus. I probably could have gone heavier on the bench, maybe 80lbs, but approached with caution as this is a movement that I almost never perform.

Bench Press: 70lb DB (55%)
1000m Row: 3:49.8 (each 250m split was at :57 seconds)

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A: Row'd Royalty 19.1

Workout: Row 8 intervals of 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of rest.
Score: Total Meters Rowed for all 8 intervals.

Finished with 1108m
Best split: 1:46.3
Worst split: 1:50.2

B: 8 Rounds:
100ft farmers carry (70lbs)
100ft sled push (2X45)

Notes: Without weight, the sled is 87lbs. Each 100ft section was 1 lap down the hallway at West Chester Y. 

Monday, January 21, 2019

Tabata (20 rounds)
20 sec. Max Meter Row
10 sec. Rest
* Scored by total Meters *

1) 4X3 Strict Press + 5 Push Press -- work to max set; rest 2:00 between sets
2) 1X3 Strict Press + ME Push Press -- use heaviest load from #1

1: 45-95-135-155lb
2: 8 reps of push press @ 155lb.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Row Series 2017 Event I

Row 5 minutes, Rest 90 seconds
Row 3 minutes, Rest 90 seconds
Row 1 minute, Rest 90 seconds
Row 3 minutes, Rest 90 seconds
Row 5 minutes

Scores are:
A) Total Distance (excluding rest meters)
B) Distance covered in 1 minute interval

Notes: Used rower in cardio room of Jennersville Y -- damper set to 6.


Saturday, January 19, 2019

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
21 GHD sit-ups
14 single-arm dumbbell push jerks
Use a single, heavy dumbbell and alternate arms each rep.

Notes: The gym was very crowded, so I subbed v-ups and single-arm KB strict press (35lb) due to equipment availability. Did not alternate arms, rather did 7 reps with right arm, then 7 reps with left arm.

8 rounds + 8 v-ups

Accessory Work
5 rounds
25 sec. dead hang from pull-up bar (arms extended)
1 min rest

Friday, January 18, 2019

Row Series IV - Event 4 
"Nightmare on Erg Street"

Row 500m, rest 60 seconds
Row 500m, rest 60 seconds
Row 500m, rest 60 seconds
Row 1500m, done!

1A: 1500m time
1B: Total time

Four Rounds:
7 squat cleans 135/95#
7 handstand pushups
Three Rounds:
5 squat cleans
5 handstand pushups
Two Rounds:
3 squat cleans
3 handstand pushups

This was deceptive. MACC challenge from Wednesday really smoked my shoulders and impacted both the rowing from yesterday and todays workout. Scaled to womens weight on the cleans which is far too easy, but HSPU were a challenge. It felt like I was pressing much more than just my bodyweight. All sets and reps were done unbroken, but the intensity was lacking. This was more of a walkthrough pace.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Row Series III - Event I
"The Widowmaker"

Row 650m, rest 30 seconds
Row 650m, rest 90 seconds
Row 650m, rest 30 seconds
Row 650m, rest 90 seconds
Row 650m, rest 30 seconds
Row 650m, done!

1) 2:27.4
2) 2:34.6
3) 2:35.3

Notes: I was not able to finish the workout -- quit after round 3 -- was just completely gassed. Finished with five attempts at the following challenge:

100m row sprint in under 17 seconds

Best was 18.5 and worst was 19.0.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

“Boy, That Escalated Quickly”
Every 3 Minutes complete the following:
10 Bench Presses (135/95)
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
10 DB Snatches (50/35)
***add 2 reps to each exercise each round***

Score is Total Reps Completed.

Notes: Subbed dead hang (seconds) for C2B so that this workout could be extended into later rounds. Used women's weights for bench and db snatch.

MACC 19.4 Scorecard