Friday, December 30, 2022

4 minutes @ 22
3 minutes @ 24
2 minutes @ 22
1 minute @ r28 max effort (average watts 225)
5 minute rest
20 steady minutes @ 24 (4266 total meters)
DF 115

No rest between the first four intervals - should be ten continuous minutes. Use the first three as a warmup before sending it during the one-minute max effort. For the 20 minute piece, take your average watts from one-minute max effort and divide in half. At the 10 minute mark, bump up 10-15 watts, then again at the 5 minute, 2.5 minute and finally at the 45 second mark. Last 45 seconds were done around 180 watts. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Part 1- 
10 mins for QUALITY
12 alternating lunges
16 one-arm bench press @ 40lbs
20 dead bug kick-outs

Part 2-
3/3/3/2/2/1 min on 
2 mins rest between each
3s at 24spm, 2k plus 12
2s at 26spm, get faster
1 at 34spm, let it rip! 

While the focus was on QUALITY for the first part, that doesn't mean you can't challenge yourself with weight. Sling the sandbag over your shoulder for the lunges and grab a 50-pound DB (at least) for the bench press. The row was dirty! I thought I'd be a little faster on the minute interval, but I don't spend alot of time on speed work at high rates anymore. 1:40/500m puts you at 300m for the 1:00 TT. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Warm Up: 
3 Minutes Easy @24
2 Minutes Moderate @24
1 Minute with Power Strokes @24
12 Minute Interval @24 SPM
First Minute take 2 Power Strokes 
Every Minute thereafter, add 2 additional Power Strokes
2 Minute REST
12 Minute Interval @24 SPM
First Minute take 24 Power Strokes
Every Minute thereafter, subtract 2 Power Strokes
3 Rounds For Time
1000m row 
50 banded good mornings (red mini-band)
50 straight leg sit-ups

This is a play on the classic Michael workout. Kept the rows at a moderate pace, tried to hold the good mornings unbroken and broke the sit-ups early and often. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Row 8000m 
1000m splits
No Rest

Start at 2:25 and drop the split by :01 with each 1000m interval. Hold rate 20 throughout. After three intervals, I wasn't feeling it so I pushed the fourth interval to 2:15 and then called it. This was a more than nothing kind of day. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

Strength - 
20x25 sec on 15 sec off
*5 of each
1) med ball deadlift
2) pushups
3) med ball squat
4) hollow hold (option to hold med ball)

Used 16# Rogue med ball since I couldn't find the 20# at the Y this morning. Hollow holds were done without med ball because I don't hate myself that much πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Conditioning - 
4x 3 mins on 1:15 mins off
Intervals 1&2 - 24 spm @ 2k plus 12
Intervals 3&4 - 26 spm @ 2k plus 8
2k pace: 1:56.6

Friday, December 23, 2022

Interval Distance 
500m x 15+ sets
1:00 rest
open rate

Start as fast as you feel like you can sustain (around 2k plus 8-12, likely). We don't want to redline early, and we want to just "flirt" with that 85-90% intensity. Aim for 15, but feel free to continue past and stop when pace become unsustainable. While there was no degradation in my pacing, I just could not continue on any further. It took all I had to get to 15 intervals. Looking forward to a couple of rest days. 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Row Conditioning πŸŽ…πŸ₯‡πŸŽ„
Time: 40mins 
Rate: 22/24
DF: 128

Start at r22 and toggle between 22 & 24, changing the rate every two minutes. Did not adhere to the rate change, just wanted to log the final 6500+ meters needed to go over 200K for the HC!  Held a low rate and very relaxed pace picking things up slightly over the last 2000 meters or so.
15 minutes steady state row
5 minutes @ 20spm
5 minutes @ 24spm
5 minutes @ 28spm

5 Minute (Hard) Row
3 Minute (Easy) Row
Rest 1 Minute
4 Minute (Hard) Row
2 Minute (Easy) Row
Rest 1 Minute
3 Minute (Hard) Row
1 Minute (Easy) Row
Rest 1 Minute
2 Minute (Hard) Row
30 Second (Easy) Row

Tried to hold the hard rounds around 2:09.5 and not fall off too much during the easy intervals. I missed the directive that each hard round should get faster as the time decreases. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The Ghan 
Row 4321m 
Rest 30 seconds
Row 1234m

A: 4321m time (20:59.9)
B: Total Time (27:00.5)
DF: 131

After this morning's row, I just needed to log some meters for the Holiday Challenge. Didn't push the pace, especially on that first interval. 
Distance Intervals 
Rest 2:00 between 
Rate: 20-22-20-24

No pacing target in mind for these pieces. My legs are sore after yesterday's row and walking around all day at Longwood. Put in a great warmup prior to starting. Low stress meters with a slightly fast finisher. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

On the Concept 2:
1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 5 min, 3 min, 2 min, 1 min pyramid / 2 min easy

Pre-set the monitor for 43 minutes. Row nine intervals in a pyramid of 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 minutes, with two minutes of rest in between each piece.

Rate: 27
Pace: HARD
DF: 115

HARD pace should be uncomfortable, yet sustainable. A secondary goal should be to try and go faster during the back half of this workout. Neglected to warmup prior to starting, but still happy with how this turned out. 

Monday, December 19, 2022

Row Series X - Event 4 - For Your Thighs Only
Row 3000m
Rest 3:30
Row 2000m
Rest 3:30
Row 3000m

A: 2000m time
B: Slowest 3000m time

Held 2K plus 20 for each of the three intervals. I am in the homestretch of the Holiday Challenge and don't have the push in my legs to go much faster. The 3:30 minutes of rest between each interval was very much appreciated.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Down and Up 
Rest 3 mins between each

Recovery effort as I march on toward the 200k goal. Easy meters out in the garage on a cold Saturday afternoon. If unable to hold a conversation, you're going too fast. This is the pace and rate I'd like to dial in for my next crack at a half-marathon. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

2 Minutes Easy @22 then,
10 Minutes Easy @24
At the top of each Minute, Row 10 Hard Strokes @24
Five 4 Minute Intervals
Row 350m @24 Hard
Recovery Row @24 to finish the interval
No Rest between Intervals 

Held between 2:06-2:10 for the HARD 350m but was a little too lax on the RECOVERY portion of the row. A good target is 900m (2:13.3) per 4min interval. 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

300 Dart Challenge 

Object: To row with a consistent stroke rate and power output
Number of Darts (strokes) : 300
Points: 50 points for a bull’s eye; 25, 10, and 5 points for next three rings.

Time: 13:03.7
Score: 14,030 (15,000 is perfect score)
Distance: 2942m

Try to keep every stroke the same. Same rate, same stroke length, same breathing pattern, same power application. The idea is to build exceptional consistency from stroke to stroke. Everything becomes automatic, natural and normal. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Row Conditioning 
5 sets of calorie targets
50-40-30-20-10 calories
30 seconds rest between efforts
🎯 5K pace getting faster each interval

Started 2x 20mins @ r20 but got bored after the first interval (4227m). Treated that as my warmup and pivoted to a shorter piece where I could go a little faster. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

30 Minute Time Trial 
SCORE: 6777 meters
🎯: 1150m each 5min interval (2:10.4)

A good rule of thumb for a 30 minute effort is 2K plus 15 which would put me right around a 2:13/500m pace. Held the rate (24) and drag (135) a little higher than I normally would for a 30min TT.  This was a good reminder I am capable of pushing the pace more than I think on these longer distances.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Interval Distance  
3x 2000m // rest 4:00

R1 🎯 2:14.5 @ R20 ✅
R2 🎯 2:11.5 @ R22 ✅
R3 🎯 2:08.5 @ R24 ✅

2K plus 18 to start. Increase pace -3 seconds from previous rep and hammer that 3rd rep. Forgot to check damper before starting - looking at the drag afterwards it was about 15 points higher than what I normally use. 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

10 mins @ 2:30 r18 
rest 2:30
7.5 mins @ 2:25 r19
rest 2:30
5 mins @ 2:20 r20
rest 2:30
2.5 mins @ 2:15 r21

Wasn't going to row today but have around 95,000 meters to go before Christmas Eve to hit my goal for the Holiday Challenge. Easy rowing at a recovery pace in the cold garage. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Row Intervals 
5x1500m | 1:15 rest 
DF 116 

It's been a long week with lots of volume, so I was happy to come through this one without too much stress. Set your pace and rate on the first interval then match it over the remaining intervals.  

Friday, December 9, 2022

Workout 42 - RowErg - Hindsight 
Hindsight is 20/20. We head towards 20 Minutes of work at a 20 Stroke Rate.  In the first interval, leave yourself some room to make two jumps (measured in watts) from easy to hard. Set the monitor to view force curve. As you add more power the curve should have a sharper peak at the start. The smoother the curve, the smoother the application of force. The larger the area under the curve, the greater the amount of force applied.
Two 10 Minute intervals @20 with 3 Minutes Rest in Between
First Interval 
3 Minutes Easy
4 Minutes Moderate
3 Minutes Hard
3 Minutes Rest
Second Interval
3 Minutes Moderate
4 Minutes Hard
3 Minutes Moderate

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Variable Distance 
rest 3:00 between reps
rates 22/26/30/26/22

Kept these at a recovery pace because I was looking for volume rather than intensity this morning to stay on target for my 200K goal in the Holiday Challenge. Increase pace ~4-5 seconds at r26, further ~4-5 seconds at r30. Reverse on the way back. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Workout 40 - A Tale of The Charles 
As The Flywheel Spins Podcast

18 Rounds of...
1:40 @28 Stroke Rate with 20 Seconds Rest 
Stroke Rate: 28
Damper: 1 (Drag 79)
Suggested Pace: 2K + 10-12s (2:06.7-2:08.7)

So many short intervals with so little rest. Holding this high of a rate for so long was torture. I didn't think I was gonna make it after the fifth or sixth interval. Didn't quite meet the target pace - rowing at a high rate/low drag is a skill that needs to be practiced. Bumped the rate up to 30 for the last few intervals as directed by the podcast.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Row Conditioning
5000m with rate changes every 1000m 
🎯 2k plus 15
DF 113

This should be a sub-max effort - you still have 2+ weeks to go in the Holiday Challenge. With 18 days left, you need to average 7309m each day to reach the 200,000m goal. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

Row Series V - Event II - A Million Ways To Die In A Vest
Row 1,111 meters, no rest
2A: First 1,111 time (5:28.3)
2B: Total time (31:52.4)

Beautiful December afternoon to log some easy meters for the Holiday Challenge out in the garage. Light rowing, added a bit of power at the end to get the lactates moving and flush out some gunk from this morning. 
Anaerobic Intervals 
6min @ r26
4min @ r30
2min @ r34
1min @ r38
Rest 3mins between intervals
DF 115

Make sure you are putting in a proper warm-up and cool-down with this effort. Try not to let your power fluctuate as your stroke rates change, instead let the rate control your speed. The rower at the Y has a mat under the front and back feet and it felt a little wonky at the higher rates. As a result I wasn't able to push as hard as I'd like on either of the final two intervals. That 1min interval should be at or around 300m, Would have preferred to take up the mats and allow the rower to slide forward a bit on those last two intervals. 

Friday, December 2, 2022

Row Intervals 
3 Rounds 
5mins @ r20 
6mins @ r22
-Rest 3mins between
-No rest between 5&6min intervals 

Accelerate backwards and glide forwards. Woke up with sore legs, but wanted to log some volume for the Holiday Challenge.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Five rounds, each for time 
300m SkiErg
12 DB Thrusters @ 35lbs
Rest 1:1

1:57, 2:07, 2:17, 2:34, 2:51

This is a simple, but devastating combo. My times fell off hard after the first couple of rounds and I switched to rest as needed to get my heart rate down. Need to spend some time beforehand getting primed for high-intensity by elevating the heart rate rapidly so I am more prepared when it happens in the actual workout. See here for some examples.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Row Intervals 
8x 1000m // 1:30 rest
🎯 2k plus 16
Rate: 21

Some solid tempo work today. This should be maintainable with focus on rate and repeatability. Stay consistent or increase pace throughout, if possible. Might try this again, bumping up the pace every other interval. #lastfast

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

"Going Up" 
100m | :30 rest
200m | 1:00 rest
300m | 1:30 rest
400m | 2:00 rest
500m | 2:30 rest
600m | 3:00 rest
700m | 3:30 rest
800m | done! 

Pulled this from DH Rowvember archive. You already know how this is going to feel 🀒🀒. With the built-in rest periods there is no need to hold anything back. These should be completed at race pace and rate. Warmed up with DH 10-minute build and aimed to hold all rounds at 2k plus 1-2 seconds. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Interval Pyramids 
5-10-15-10-5 minute intervals 
🎯 10K pace and rate
DF 116

This is 45-minutes of work - went in with a goal of 10K which is a 2:15 pace. I tried using Siri to turn on Spotify and raise the volume but was having issues and stopped for almost a full minute during the 15-minute interval. I pushed to recover but it impacted the next two intervals. 

Friday, November 25, 2022

This is 30x1:00 with no rest between intervals. Program the monitor for 1:00 intervals with no rest. 

30 Minutes Every Minute we begin a new Interval
*Power increases as the timeframe for power decreases
3 intervals of 10 Seconds at 22 SPM / 50 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 15 Seconds at 22 SPM / 45 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 20 Seconds at 22 SPM / 40 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 25 Seconds at 22 SPM / 35 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 30 Seconds at 22 SPM / 30 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 35 Seconds at 22 SPM / 25 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 40 Seconds at 22 SPM / 20 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 45 Seconds at 22 SPM / 15 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 50 Seconds at 22 SPM / 10 Seconds at 26 SPM with power
3 intervals of 55 Seconds at 22 SPM / 5 Seconds at 26 SPM with power

Thursday, November 24, 2022

The 2023 World Rowing Indoor Champs will feature a new multi event competition - The Versa. To qualify, competitors must complete each of the below challenges by November 28. 

Qualification Challenge 1 (QC1): 3333m
Score: Total time to complete challenge.

Qualification Challenge 2 (QC2): 7 x 2:30 on, 0:30 rest
Score A: Total meters rowed during all working minutes (rest time is not counted).
Score B: Meters rowed during the first 2:30 round.

This has been a tough week of training. Not every workout has to kill you. Held both of these at a relaxed recovery pace, enjoying a warm Thanksgiving afternoon.  

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Hang Squat Clean 
5-5-5-5-5 reps 

The goal of this workout is to accumulate volume at heavy loads and to potentially find a 5-rep max hang squat clean. Build up for at least the first three sets. Felt pretty good throughout considering I don't squat clean all that often. 

16 X 1 Minute of Work Intervals
(1 Minute of Rest in between)
Set 1:  4 Intervals @ 22
Set 2:  4 Intervals @ 24
Set 3:  4 Intervals @ 26
Set 4:  4 Intervals @ 28

Use the first interval of each set to dial into the target stroke rate. The last 3 intervals of each set,  aim to maximize the number of calories we can accumulate in that minute.  The ultimate goal is to maintain or increase the number of calories accumulated in each minute all the way through the workout.  (Effort is an 8 or 9 on the RPE Scale*)

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Variable Distance 
Rest 4mins/3mins/2mins between each
2k plus 25-27 seconds to start
Increase pace 3 seconds from previous with each rate increase

Treat this as a recovery effort, focused on good technique while accumulating volume. Some points to remember are to sit up straight, keep your heels down at catch and slow down your recovery. 

Body Armor
4 Giant Sets
9-7-5-3: barbell bench press @ 155-pounds
30 banded triceps push downs (two hands, purple band)

Monday, November 21, 2022

Row Conditioning 
1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 3 min, 2 min, 1 min pyramid / 1 min easy

Seven intervals in a pyramid of 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 minutes, with one minute of rest in between each piece.

Speed is irrelevant for us today. We are focusing on three things: mechanics, rate of perceived effort, and strokes per minute. On the first three intervals, you want to be an RPE of 6 out of 10 with a rate of 24-25. Try to hold or improve on these paces on the way back down the ladder. Your RPE here should stay on 7-8.
For time:
Row 500 meters
50 GHD Sit-ups*
Row 1,000 meters
30 GHD Sit-ups
Row 2,000 meters
20 GHD Sit-ups

*subbed v-ups since no GHD at WCY

Today is all about patience. You could murder that first interval and gain 10-20 seconds. This time would be eaten up in those sit-ups without you even noticing. Approach this workout as the endurance piece it is. Open at a conservative pace and focus on trying to sustain that pace and even increasing at the end. Kept the pace on the rower manageable and broke v-ups into sets of 10. Weighted dumbbell sit-ups are also a good option for those that don't have a GHD. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

20 Rounds 
10 calorie row
4 sandbag cleans 100-pounds

Worked out with Jeff S, alternating every other round. Kept the row at a relaxed and conversational pace. If done alone, transitions need to be tighter and pacing more consistent. There was too much variance in my later rounds. I went first and my scores are all of the odd rounds, Jeff's the even rounds. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Recovery Row 
3x 10 minutes work // 2 minutes rest

Rate/Pace changes as follows:
4mins @ r18 2:18.5
3mins @ r20 2:15.5
2mins @ r22 2:12.5
1min @ r24 2:09.5

Thursday, November 17, 2022

"Seeing Double" 

Aim to make the second interval faster than the first using the same stroke rate. Rest 1 minute between each interval. 

5 minutes @ r20 x2
4 minutes @ r22 x2
3 minutes @ r24 x2
2 minutes @ r26 x2
1 minute @ r28 x2

So you'll do 5 mins, rest, then do another 5 mins (faster than the first time) repeating this cycle all the way through the 1-minute interval. Started conservatively with the idea that I would nudge the rate up by :02 with each interval. Felt good throughout. Drag set to 119 as always. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Sunday 221113
Shoulder Press 10-10-10-10-10 reps

Used 120-pounds across all five sets. Took the bar from the rack each set. This workout is strength focused but will also challenge stamina due to the number of reps to be completed per set. Warmed up with PVC and some 100m repeats on the SkiErg to get a pump going. Just one set with the empty bar before my work sets. Maintain a stable midline throughout each set while achieving the full range of motion. 

Core Challenge
3:00 plank hold
100 toe touches

Break the plank as needed. Don't forget to breathe. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Wednesday 221012 
Row 5000m 
DF 131

This is a good benchmark to measure progress. Turned the drag up a bit for this one, not sure I prefer it over my standard 120. An aggressive goal is 2K plus 10 seconds (2:06.7).  Fell short but still a 2 second PR🍾πŸ₯³πŸ†!!

Monday, November 14, 2022

Row Conditioning 
10x500m // :45 rest
🎯 5K PB pace (2:08.5)
DF 129

Fun way to start the week. Was never under too much stress with the built-in rest. A good tune-up for 5000m TT. Warm up with the DH 10-minute build then row along with DH 21-minute 5k video to hit a new PR. 

Friday, November 11, 2022

7 Rounds 
9 KB SDHP (53)
12 Ball Slams (20)
*Rest :30 between sets


The slam ball should be renamed spike ball for the effect it has on your heart rate πŸ’“ πŸ’£πŸ’₯. Great cardio workout and lat jack from the slam balls...

Thursday, November 10, 2022

A. 7 Rounds
20 HS Shoulder Taps w/pause @ 10 and :05 hold

No issues here, although muscular endurance in the handstand is not where it once was. Started with a complex of handstand shoulder taps, hip taps and handstand hold (5-10-15-20, rest as needed). Did the round of 5 & 10 but realized I was not going to be able to get the hip taps on the larger sets and pivoted to the above. 

B. Every 2 minutes on the 2 minutes x 7 rounds
1 shoulder press
*add weight each round


This was that much more difficult after the handstand work. Still, the weight was going up relatively easy, I just made too big a jump from the 170 bar to 185. 

C. 3 sets:
30 banded pull-aparts (red mini-band)
30 banded pushdowns (purple band)

The pump is going to be with me for some time after todays workout. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

"Rapid Descent" 
Decreasing time intervals with increasing speeds
6 mins start @ r20 πŸ‘†1-2 spm every 1 min
5 mins start @ r22 πŸ‘† 1-2 spm every 1 min
4 mins start @ r24 πŸ‘† 1-2 spm every 1 min
3 mins start @ r26 πŸ‘† 1-2 spm every 1 min
2 mins start @ r28 πŸ‘† 1-2 spm every 1 min
1 min hold r30+ for the duration

100 Hollow Rocks
*every break, 10 penguin heel taps

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

6 Rounds 
30 calorie row
100-foot sled push (192lbs)
DF 126

The first round of 30 cals was too conservative, especially with the walk to and from the sled each round. Workout called for moderate weight on the sled - I added (2) 45s and a 15-pound plate. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

30:00 rate change as follows: 
12:00 @ r22
9:00 @ r24
6:00 @ r26
3:00 @ r28

As written, start at 2k plus :16 (2:12.5) and drop split by :03 every rate change. When programming the monitor, set the splits to read every 3 mins to capture your rate change and splits accurately. Was short on time and did not warmup and while I did drop my split with each rate change, I also started too slowly. When done properly, this should be a 7000m row. 

Saturday, November 5, 2022

5 rounds each, alternating with a partner:
1-minute assault bike 
100m DB farmers carry (50-pounds)

Goals: Hold 70+ rpm on the bike and remain unbroken on the carries.

Notes: Don't underestimate this piece even with alternating rounds. As RX'd written as 7 rounds with a minute rest between each but Matt was short on time so we only did five rounds. Managed to keep the bike above 70rpms and each carry unbroken. Carry was from garage door to Bill's mailbox and back. The pace on the bike was challenging yet sustainable. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Row Conditioning 
10x3:00 work // 1:30 rest
🎯 30:00 goal pace (7000+ meters)
DF 121

Use a similar rate to what you'd use for a 30 minute TT. Woke up sore from the squat cleans yesterday and didn't have the push in my legs to hold the target pace (2:08.5) at a lower rate.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

6 Rounds
50 Calorie Row
4 Touch and Go Squat Cleans (125lbs)
Rest 3:00 

This is a good test to see how well you lift under fatigue. I wanted to ensure quality movement, especially on the squat cleans, but was too conservative with both the pace on the row and the weight on the bar. The idea is to be fatigued from the row but still lift well - the squat cleans were all no-doubters. The workout called for 70-80% on the barbell which is somewhere between 140 and 160-pounds.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Row Series XII - Event 1 "Game of Groans" 
Row 1600m with 400m intervals (no rest)

1A: First 400m Time [1:38.6]
1B: Total Time [6:25.2]

Messed up and thought the score was last rep fast, instead my first was my worst split. Still happy with this time as it's been a while since I pushed myself at this middle distance. What a difference a warmup makes - spent 10 minutes warming up prior to hitting this one.