Saturday, February 2, 2019

Close Grip Overhead Squat
Build to a Moderate set of 3

Pausing Overhead Squat
2 Reps x 30 Second Holds
With 75% of Close Grip Overhead Squat Load

Notes: Worked up to 125lbs on the CGOHS. Used 95lbs for the hold -- this was a good weight, but still a fight to hold good position (upright torso, shoulders back). 
For Time:
50' Handstand Walk, 9 Snatches (115)
50' Handstand Walk, 7 Snatches (115)
50' Handstand Walk, 5 Snatches (115)

Notes: I subbed 35 handstand shoulder taps for the HSW -- should have stuck with 50 but I wanted to go unbroken. 

3 Sets:
20 Weighted Sit-Ups (10lb plate overhead)
20 Hollow Rocks
20 Second GHD Supine Hold
Rest 2 Minutes Between


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